Friday, August 13, 2010


There is one thing for sure, Devin loved to play in the sand! When we first took her to the beach, she immediately started to dig and fill her bucket, dump it out, and start the entire process over, and over....and over again and again.

From Aug 10

From Aug 10

Kortnee and I tried to take her into the water right away but she would have nothing to do with it. She wanted to dig.

From Aug 10

From Aug 10

And the next time we went to the beach, she was even more natural. She started digging before we even had a chance to show her what all that sand was for...

From Aug 10

From Aug 10

She eventually got a little braver and headed into a puddle. The tide was really low the second time we went so there was plenty of shallow puddles on the sand for her to play in.

From Aug 10

From Aug 10

Kortnee built a sand castle that she knew Devin would destroy based on the first visit to the sand...

From Aug 10

From Aug 10

From Aug 10

Since the tide was so low, the sand had some really neat ripples in it...

From Aug 10

From Aug 10

And Devin did eventually get in the ocean, but it wasn't until after lots of time playing and digging in the sand.

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