Thursday, February 24, 2011


We had been invited to go to the Rodeo that Thursday of the week we ended up being stuck home from the ice and had been looking forward to it for weeks. I was so bummed that we were iced in and worried we may not get to go, and by the third day of being stuck at home, even though we were staying busy working and playing, I was so ready to get out of this house! My friend decided she didn't want to get out in the weather but that if we did, we could have the tickets for us and her and her son and her parking pass. I called my daddy and asked him if he had been out and if he thought it was safe enough for me to drive there and he was so sweet to drive all the way to my house just to be sure the roads were OK all the way! I think he was stir crazy too and loved getting to come over and see his spunky little granddaughter for a little while too!

We ended up calling to see if Bianca and her daddy wanted to join us and boy did she! The rodeo was pretty empty this day, I am sure because of the weather, but we sure did enjoy a few hours out of the house, and Devin decided she wanted a horsey while there too!

From February 11

From February 11

From February 11

Man, I love those two girls so much!
From February 11

And they love each other so much!
From February 11

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