Wednesday, February 9, 2011


This post comes at a sort of bittersweet time for me. Bedtime has always been one of my favorite times of the day with Devin. It is special quiet time she and I have together while I read to her and she reads to me, and we cuddle and love on each other.

From January 11

From January 11

A few nights this week Devin has thrown a huge fit at bedtime and is completely uncooperative. She tells us she has to go potty again over and over trying to distract us. I used to read to her, turn off the lights and put her in her bed and she would go to sleep while reading to herself. Those difficult nights have involved screaming and crying until someone, usually daddy, comes to rescue her and rock her almost to sleep.

From January 11

One night she kept telling me it was daddy's turn. She wouldn't even let me snuggle and read to her.

From January 11

I know this is a stage where she is testing her boundaries, and maybe she has decided she needs less sleep and isn't happy about not having paci, as she has started telling us again that paci is broken.

From January 11

But it breaks my heart to think those days may be coming to an end for me...even if just for a short while. I know that when her brother gets here, bedtime will become a totally different dynamic for our family, and I am trying so hard to enjoy these times we still have together.

From January 11

I am going to remind myself that it is Chris' turn to enjoy the bedtime snuggles with Devin for awhile when she request him. And in the meantime, since she it seems to be a battle of wills with everything with her, I am going to try some different approaches and try to practice some extra patience with her to see if we can get back on track.

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