Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Tired Girl

While I was off having a girl's night, Chris was at home having an evening with his girl. She must have been ready for bed because she climbed into Harley's bed, pulled his blanket up and took a little snooze.

From Sept 10

From Sept 10

Isn't she silly? As soon as daddy realized she was trying to go to sleep in there he got her ready for bed but by this time she was full steam ahead again!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

School Project

A few days ago when I dropped Devin off at school, her teachers handed me this yellow piece of paper with "My Family Picture" written across the top. They said they were asking parents to attach or draw a family picture and bring it back and they would hang them all on the wall. Well, the wheels in my head started turning and my imagination started going a little wild and I was trying to remember if we even had a family picture that was worthy of putting on this. I decided to include multiple pictures of Devin with me, her daddy and her sissy instead. I even got out my scrap booking suitcase which hasn't really come out of the closet since shortly after we got married, oh, almost 6 years ago. :)

I had so much fun making this and was so proud to hand it in this morning for the wall. Sometimes it's the little things that excite me! I think I need to scrapbook a little more too because it really brought me pleasure. It will be so much fun in a few years when Devin is old enough to make her own pages too. In the meantime, Kortnee and I totally need to get all over this because this would be right up her alley!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Have you ever...

Seen two cuter little girls than these two...

From Sept 10

From Sept 10

Watching these two takes me back...

From Sept 10

From Sept 10

From Sept 10

To my younger days....
From Sept 10

From Sept 10

When Tia Awol and I could have created this very same scene...
From Sept 10

From Sept 10

I just wish I knew what was done to make them laugh so hard. I want to do that again!

From Sept 10

From Sept 10

Ahhh....the memories we are making.

From Sept 10

Thursday, September 23, 2010


What a little diva!

From Sept 10

All dolled up with nowhere to go...

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Paradise in the City

My Uncle Rick has a landscaping company here in the city. He has this great little property sort of tucked away off a really busy street that is a like a little piece of paradise right in the middle of the city. I remember going there when he first bought the land and it needed so much clearing and work. Now it is a fabulous little place.

He has birds....

From Sept 10

From Sept 10

From Sept 10

From Sept 10

From Sept 10

From Sept 10

I love how Devin is watching...
From Sept 10

From Sept 10

From Sept 10

From Sept 10

From Sept 10

There are dogs...
From Sept 10

From Sept 10

And there are lots of really cool old things to admire...

From Sept 10

This is in honor of my cousin Clay a.k.a. Buster who passed away quite a few years ago..
From Sept 10

From Sept 10

From Sept 10

From Sept 10

From Sept 10

He had us all over for brunch before Tia Awol left town and it was a wonderful relaxing time in his little piece of paradise in the city...

From Sept 10

From Sept 10

From Sept 10

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Maternal Instincts

It amazes me at how fast little girls start acting like little girls and boys little little boys. Don't get me wrong, Devin loves cars and "boy" toys too, but her little maternal instincts have come out full force and it is just so sweet.

From Sept 10

Dressing her baby up in her newly acquired jewelry....
From Sept 10

From Sept 10

It joys her so much to mommy her baby...
From Sept 10

What a sweet girl she is!

From Sept 10

Sunday, September 19, 2010


Tia Awol came to visit for the weekend. She and Devin had a game of hide and seek on the couch!

From Sept 10

From Sept 10

From Sept 10

From Sept 10

Having a blast!
From Sept 10

From Sept 10

From Sept 10

Devin has been really good at giving kissies lately! I just love it!
From Sept 10