Thursday, May 6, 2010

Just Fork It!

This past weekend, Devin wasn't wanting to eat her dinner. Apparently it is very common for toddlers to become picky eaters because it is one thing, in their huge world, that they feel they can control. What I try to do to combat that, is give Devin a spoon to feed herself with and a bowl. The difference between feeding herself with her hands, and a spoon could be a bowl full of veggies!

I gave her some pizza a few nights ago. She wasn't acting all that interested because it was something new to her. I decided to let her try out a fork and the girl LOVED it! I am definitely going to buy her some more manageable sized forks this weekend! She was so proud with every bite she took!

From May 10

From May 10

From May 10

From May 10

From May 10

And on another note, she tried her first peanut butter and jelly sandwich recently as well and it was a huge hit!

From May 10

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