Sunday, January 17, 2010

Into Everything

Devin has really been testing the limits lately and one way she does it is by trying to climb on everything! She is able to get herself onto the couch about 50% of the time. She is hiking her leg up in her crib now too but is still too short to get anywhere with that. I see a toddler bed in her future though sooner than I had hoped.

In our kitchen we have an island (as seen in many pictures) and it has a little shelf on the bottom of it. Devin is always trying to climb on it, and then stand up on it. We tell her NO firmly and she will get down and play. Then when you aren't looking anymore, she is right back on it. She also likes to dangle a toy, and place it just too far to reach, then look at you, then look at the toy and reach with one leg up, then look back at you again and on and on until she is on the table. Sly is her middle name these days!

Speaking of sly, another favorite is to squat down, pick up something tiny off the floor, like a leaf that has been tracked in on someones shoe. If I see her squat down, then stand up and RUN off, I know she has something she just picked up and is about to put her in her mouth! She keeps me on my toes all the time!

I know this is all a healthy part of exploring her environment so we try to redirect if she is doing something dangerous and let her explore otherwise.

From January 10

From January 10

From January 10

As you can see here, she has climbed into her toy basket to play...I let her do this, untilof course she tried to climb out of it and onto the shelf next to her!
From January 10

From January 10

From January 10

From January 10

From January 10

From January 10

From January 10

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