Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Outdoor Play

The weather outside has been beautiful lately! We have spent a lot of time playing outside pretty much everyday! Devin got some new toys for outside and has had a great time "helping" in the backyard.

From April 10

From April 10

From April 10

From April 10

I love her little pigtails!
From April 10

She was trying to get some leaves into her shovel with her rake
From April 10

Helping me water the yard
From April 10

From April 10

From April 10

- Post From My iPhone

Race for the Cure

Devin and I walked in Race for the Cure this past weekend. It is a wonderful event that I participate in each year with my boss and her family! Her mother is a breast cancer survivor and such an inspiration to all of us!

Devin got to see her buddy Gavin while we were there. She shared some of her breakfast with him and after that, he was in love. :) He hung over the side of his stroller for a good part of the day keeping his eye on Devin. They were so cute together!

It was chilly and early so Devin didn't have a smile anywhere in sight yet!

From Race for the Cure 2010

From Race for the Cure 2010

Are we ever going to get moving people?
From Race for the Cure 2010

He wanted some of her breakfast...bad! And once she shared, he kept signing for more!
From Race for the Cure 2010

Devin and Mommy
From Race for the Cure 2010

From Race for the Cure 2010

The starting line
From Race for the Cure 2010

Racing in Celebration of and in Memory of
From Race for the Cure 2010

On our way!
From Race for the Cure 2010

Almost done
From Race for the Cure 2010

After we finished, we all went to Starbucks to refuel! Devin was tired of being in the stroller and wanted to go all over the place!
From Race for the Cure 2010

Our team!
From Race for the Cure 2010

Then it was time for sweet goodbyes...
From Race for the Cure 2010

From Race for the Cure 2010

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Our Last Night of Vacation!

Our last night with the family came entirely too fast! We had such a wonderful time visiting and hated to leave! After a long day at the zoo, we just hung out at the house and ordered pizza. By this day, Devin was feeling 100% with no sign of a fever in sight! She really came out of her shell the last day! She was busy busy while we all hung around in the living room and tried to relax.

She played with her aunt and uncle for awhile...
From April 10

From April 10

Tracy tickled her, and she loved it...

From April 10

From April 10

From April 10

Really loved it in fact...
From April 10

From April 10

She helped clean up the living room and tried to put everything away in the drawers that she discovered...
From April 10

We keep her shoes in a drawer in her room at home and she always helps us put them away so I think that was her goal
From April 10

She talked on the remote and told her Grammy what a great time she was having
From April 10

From April 10

From April 10

She played with her cousins...
From April 10

From April 10

From April 10

From April 10

Then she finally got her turn in the jumparoo...
From April 10

And then it was time to go...so she gave her aunt Tracy lots of kisses...
From April 10

From April 10

Thanks for a great time guys! We miss you so much and can't wait for our next visit! I vote we all meet at the beach! :p

Packed in like Sardines!

While in New Mexico, we had to take two cars pretty much everywhere we went. Between the three kids, all in car seats and the 4 adults there just weren't enough seats for us all! One afternoon the boys went to get some food and a few drinks and we offered to pick them up so they could have a little fun watching sports! This is what it looked like in the backseat when we went to get them!

They were packed in like sardines!
From April 10

From April 10

Then on the way to the airport, we had to take Jeff's truck and I sat in the front middle. Devin was behind me, and there wasn't very much room for her feet so she sat like this...

From April 10

Bathtime with Cousins!

When we got home from the zoo, Devin and Justin were both in need of a bath in a major way! We decided to let them take a bath together. Devin wasn't so sure at first and cried, but Justin, being the charming little boy that he is, got her to laugh and then they had fun playing in the tub together.

From April 10

From April 10

From April 10

I remember as a kid, taking a bath with my cousins! We would have so much fun and laugh hysterically! What fun memories to be made!

Zoo Trip!

While we were in New Mexico, we took a trip to the zoo! It was such a beautiful day and all of the kids had a great time!

We started with the monkey's. Devin was really tired still from waking up early and not wanting to nap so she let daddy carry her. Justin was super excited!

From April 10

Justin could hear the train as soon as we got there so he went ahead and rode it so we wouldn't have to hear talk about it all day long!

From April 10

We hung out, got some drinks and took a few pictures
From April 10

From April 10

This peacock was roamining around all over the place. He would walk right in front of you!
From April 10

When the guys got off the train, it was on to more animals!
I love these pics of these sweet brothers and their sweet kiddos!
From April 10

From April 10

From April 10

Devin loved the giraffe's! She even said their name!

From April 10

And she certainly couldn't take her eyes off of them to take a picture!
From April 10

From April 10

The train came by again
From April 10

Next we went to the coy pond to feed the fish and the ducks....other than the train, this was Justin's favorite part! Devin however, she wasn't about to give that bread to those fish, she was hungry!
From April 10

From April 10

From April 10

Justin was REALLY into it!
From April 10

From April 10

From April 10

From April 10

Sweet little Olive was enjoying herself too!
From April 10

From April 10

After a little snack, Devin was happier too!
From April 10

I love these two so much!

From April 10

Normally, the monkey's are my favorite, but the two polar bears were so neat! They walked back and forth in unison over and over. They were huge!

From April 10

All done with the zoo! I would say it was a successful day!
From April 10

From April 10