I know, I know, I have been a horrible blogger lately. I promise to get back on top of things soon. I know that I tend to work better under pressure and now that October 15th is past, I feel like I want to just frolick in the last little bits and pieces of warm weather that we have with my little ladybug. Sure, I have taken pictures, but by the time I get home, I just have nothing left in me. Ever since the deadline came and went, I also helped to monitor the "BIGGEST" estate sale ever (to be repeated next weekend!), then 3 days later left town with my boss to go to our an annual conference we attend. Then this week Devin was sick, now I am sick with something else, and I really have a lot of excuses, but ultimately, we have been living life and I just haven't made time to post it although in the next few weeks, especially with the holidays approaching, as well as a certain little someone's 2nd birthday coming up, I PROMISE to get back on track to regular posting! I am afterall keeping this blog in the long run for Devin, Kortnee, and any future children we may be blessed with. That reminds me, I need to get some of our recent books ordered as well. I am a few months behind on that as well, but at least that creates itself since I have done all of the work here on my blog already.
One of Devin's favorite phrases lately is "no mommy", at least it has been this week. We have been together a lot since she has been sick, and I think she is just as tired of being around me so much as I am of her. No matter how much we love each other, we need a break from each other too. I plan to have a nice fun weekend with her though, even if it involves jsut the two of us doing something fun.
August 2020
4 years ago
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