I have been falling behind on my updating and it will be more sparce for the next few months with the end of tax season upon me. I am already working an extra hour or two here and there during the weeks.
Edward got back from China last weekend. He went there for Elaine's interview and she got approved! He tried not to get his hopes up too much b/c there are so many technicalities, but Elaine got approved! They are both really excited as are the rest of us! As of right now, the plan is for her to be here in mid October.
So, in preparation for Elaine and the baby, Edward and I trecked out to Ikea yesterday. I wanted to get a few decorative things for the nursery and Edward needed to gets some storage for clothing. His apartment has really come along nicely, but he needed those drawers badly. I got some cool lamps and a great lamp shade that goes with the nursery perfectly. I also got a new rug for the nursery and a new one for the living room. Then we went to his friend's new store in the mall just a few blocks from there to check it out. It is a fabulous store and I will most definately be buying some clothes there after the baby is here.
Chris happened upon a deer lease that was priced so incredibly low that he decided to get on it. We have discussed it for years, but he has always chosen to wait and buy some land someday. That is still in the plan, but at least he has somewhere to go in the meantime. He went down to it this weekend and checked it out and picked out his spot. It is 1400 acres and has Wildlife Management Area on both sides of it, which means there is a TON of land for him to hunt b/c he also got a public hunting permit this year. It is quite a drive, so he won't be able to go every weekend, plus, it is too far for him to be from me as my due date gets closer, but he will get to hunt it a couple times this year for sure.
In baby news, things are going really well. we have decided on Devin for her first name. We are still discussing her middle name. My weight gain is right on track with what all of the websites I visit and books I read say. It is hard to believe though b/c I feel huge! I had another appt last week and a sono and got the see the baby for awhile. At one point, we were looking straight at her face, and I saw her opening and closing her mouth and drinking amniotic fluid which was really neat. She is still measuring about a week earlier than my due date but that is never set in stone. Devin will most likely decide what her true due date will be. She is starting to move a lot more frequently and last week I started being able to see it from the outside. It is especially neat in the tub b/c it makes the water trickle around my belly when she is kick boxing! My mom was able to feel her the other day, although, I know that it was subtle movement compared to usual, so she hasn't felt how hard that girl can kick yet! Chris' mom is out of control. :) She sent a package of baby clothing and said she has more to send. That is hard to believe b/c I swear she bought out every store she went to. There are a lot of really cute outfits and that is something I haven't bought any of, so it is fun to have some clothes now too. I feel like my belly button might be trying to push out, b/c it has been really sore for the past day. My Dr is really happy with how things are progressing, and assuming the most recent test they did comes back negative, she will start treating me like a normal pregnancy. That is both exciting and scary. It also means I won't be getting as many sono's. :( I trust Dr. B completely and know she has both Devin and my best interests in mind so all in all, that really would be good news. It is just scary to think they won't be micromanaging my body anymore, which does put some of my worries at ease. Other than getting increasingly more uncomfortable, I am feeling really good and have enjoyed being pregnant so much!
Here is a pic from last weekend at 23 weeks:
Here is a pic of the sono from last week. I haven't posted one in awhile. It is always so much clearer when you see it on the screen and can be hard to tell what it is that you are looking at. This is a view of Devin from the front. You can see her two eyes looking at you.

Well, I have rambled enough for now. I find I am doing that a lot lately!
1 comment:
you're looking so adorable! i can't wait to see you when you come to visit!!!!!
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