For starters, the Summer is almost over and Kortnee is going home in a week. Her daddy and I hate to see her go. We really have a great time together and this has been a wonderful summer. She and I went shopping last weekend for school clothes and I had so much fun. We went to the new Target and looked at baby things and then looked at maternity clothes and then bought a lot of stuff for her. We just took our time and browsed around and she got some really cute stuff.
All three of us like to laugh and there are times we laugh so hard that I cry. I LOVE those kinds of chuckles. I had one of those tonight and they always leave me feeling so good.
I went to the Dr again yesterday and the baby is still a girl. My laptop is on it's last leg so I don't have any pictures to post right now, but that issue is being addressed. Anyway, everything looks really good. The sonographer said she is the size of a coke can and her heart beat is in the 140's. I didn't get to see my OB b/c she was in surgery but the nurse still did all of the stuff we normally do.
I am REALLY showing now. I am constantly asking Chris, Korntee and my boss if I what I am wearing makes me look fat or pregnant. I almost look like I just have a beer belly but I am more rapidly rounding out now and it is becoming a lot more obvious that it is a baby. This week a client that didn't know came in and is the first person to notice and actually say anything. That is always exciting. :)
Lately I am consumed with finding a daycare I am comfortable with and finding bedding. I bought bedding today and Chris plans to paint next week while he is on vacation. I have found the daycare I really want to use but I fear that the waiting list will be so long that the baby won't get in until she is 3-6 months old. So I need to find an alternative until then. I have some options but I am still exploring which ones are best. It is so hard to make this decision about where we will send our baby when we haven't even met her yet!
We have a first name picked out but are still discussing a middle name. We love the first name and that is all that matters. The people we have told so far all have varying opinions but ultimately it is our decision and our daughter.
The other day Chris was sitting in the dining room watching the birds in the backyard and I came and sat on his leg to watch too. He had his hands around my waist and felt the baby move. He was so excited and I was so excited for him that he finally felt her. I feel it from time to time from the outside but her movements are still so sporadic that it is hard to catch it. I just wish that it would happen for Kortnee before she leaves. I know she would like that too.
Well, it is getting late and I have rambled on so off to bed for me!
August 2020
4 years ago
1 comment:
You are too funny. A sure fire way to let people who wonder if you are pregnant or not is to randomly rub your tummy or just hold on to it. That way, they know you are pregnant and not just fat. Although you look like a really cute pregnant gal to me!
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