Boy how time is flying! Cooper is 9 months old now!
*Cooper weighs around 20 pounds. He has his nine month checkup this week and I will update his stats then!
*Cooper wears a size 4 diaper and a size 5 overnight diaper with a booster inserted.
*Coop wears size 9-12 and size 18 month clothes.
*Coop is all over the place and into everything!!! He crawls, pulls up, sits up, stands for a few seconds unsupported. He is starting to cruise a tiny bit on furniture.
*Coop still wakes up about every 3 hours at night. We go through phases. He will sleep all night, then revert back to waking. He has so much going on developmentally. As much as I would like for him to sleep all night, I am not sweating the small stuff!
*Cooper has 5 teeth now!!!
*Coop makes a few sounds regulalry. He says "get" a lot and makes a "da" sound as well.
*He also has this sort of growly sounds he makes a lot that I think is his car noises. He really gets those going when he has a car to play with.
*Coop eats three meals a day and is doing well with his cheerios and veggie bites. I'm hoping that as he masters these skills, I will be able to start giving him some cut up cooked veggies and deli meat.
*Coop is also really starting to figure out his sippy cup!
*Coop wants to be big like his sister so badly! When she and her daddy are outside playing, he stands by the back door looking out and laughing and squealing the entire time.
*Cooper LOVES to laugh! He is so silly and laughs at all kinds of things.
*Cooper is also a HUGE flirt! Especially with all the teachers at his school.
*Cooper has become really into the dogs this month and is always trying to pet them.
*Cooper waves and this month he has starting clapping. It is so cute!
*I love that he has quite an expressive little face, just like his sister!
*Cooper is SUCH a happy little boy!
Cooper and his sister are such a joy to our family!