Monday, February 6, 2012

3 Years Old (+2months)!

It seems like just yesterday that Devin made me a mommy! She is such a kind hearted, helpful, loving, mother hen little girl these days!

From December 2011

*Devin weighs 32 pounds. I don't know how tall she is but she is in the 50% for weight and 97% for height!
*Devin is wearing size 4T and 5T clothes. I buy 5T on things that she will outgrow in height!

From December 2011

*She is wearing a size 9 shoe.
*Devin usually sleeps through the night these days with an occasional wake up because she needs to potty.

From January 12

*She no longer wears a pull up to bed and so far has done great!
*Devin recongizes all of her colors and shapes. She knows how to recite the entire alphabet, and is starting to recognize a lot of letters as well.

From December 2011

*Devin is the sweetest big sister and loves her Cooper like crazy!
*She has done a great job of sharing up until recently when he has actually become interested in his toys. We are working on taking turns.

From December 2011

*Devin says the funniest things! I have a few favorite words that I hate to correct. Like her unglasses and her ungrella. She also has a new obsession with "Cheauty" and the Beast.

From January 12

*Devin loves to play and laugh and loves people, but in certain settings, she gets extremely shy. Usually I see this at birthday parties where she doesn't really know any of the kids.

From December 2011

*I have watched Devin's kind little heart as she might see another child at the park trip and fall and rushes over to make sure they are ok. That makes this momma's heart so happy.

From January 12

*We are working on reminding her to use her words to express her feelings/frustrations instead of hitting/biting. This is hard for her sometimes as the kids at school do the same thing.

From December 2011

*Devin loves her baby dolls, her barbies, her mermaids, her mobies (movies), her TB (TV), coloring and anything else that a typical little girl likes!

From December 2011

*Devin LOVES to help me cook dinner! She pulls her chair up to see what I am doing any chance she gets.

From January 12

*Devin also loves to dress up like a princess!

From December 2011

7 Months old

Cooper is 7 months old and boy oh boy is he all boy!

*Cooper is wearing a size 4 diaper now to help with leakage. We have switched back to our trusty old Pampers!
*Cooper wears size 9 month or 12 month clothes. I am tired of buying a new wardrobe every 3 months so I am buying 12 month stuff now and some 18 month stuff for Summer.
*Cooper weighs around 18 pounds. He is in the 50% for weight, height and head circumference.

From January 12

*Coop eats three solid meals a day. He has rice cereal during the day at school, and a veggie/fruit for lunch, then usually a meat and oatmeal for dinner.
*Cooper still nurses every 2 hours or so.
*We are still battling the bedtime changes. He still wakes about 45 minutes into the night most nights (sometimes even sooner) and then sleeps in 2-3 hour increments usually. I have been trying a lot of different things to change this behavior. Crying it out just hasn't worked on him so we are having to get creative. In the past month we have had quite a few more sleeps through the night after that first wake up but have also had a few nights where he wakes every hour or even more.
*Cooper is a rolling machine!

From January 12

*He is also army crawling and inching along to wherever he wants to be. He does push ups too and tries to get his knees under him.

From January 12

*Cooper is finally sitting unsupported some, but still needs to be spotted. I know he can do it, but feel like he is just too busy to stay still long enough to stay in one place for any amount of time.
*Cooper got his first ear infection this month. :( He also got pink eye this month.
*When we are at home (as opposed to school) he usually takes a 45 minutes-2hour morning nap about 2 1/12 hours after he wakes up each morning. He is usually about ready for another nap after 2-3 hours of awake time but it is always hit and miss whether I can get him to settle enough to take another one.
*Cooper has started babbling big time this month. He has just recently started saying what sounds like da-da!
*Cooper is also really into toys now. I recently got all of Devin's toys for 6 months plus down out of the attic, and they both had a great time exploring them all, and fighting over them. Oye!
*Cooper had his first babysitter come to the house this month. He was such a happy baby that day and did great for her. He didn't even wake up at his usual 45 minutes!
*Cooper has had a cold for pretty much the last two months. I will be happy when cold and flu season is over and he has some time to not be sick. He usually ends up taking breathing treatments with most colds.
*At school Cooper holds his own bottle, and usually drinks around 3 oz of breastmild every two hours.
From January 12

*Cooper's hair is so very blonde and so far his eyes are still blue! I love how his hair sticks straight up in the air!
*He loves to be worn still and we have recently tried out a different wrap style carrier in a forward facing position. He really liked that!

From January 12

*Many mornings when I go to wake hime up, he is sleeping on his belly!

From January 12

Oh how we all love our littles!
From January 12

6 Months old!

Cooper is 6 months old!

What a big boy he is becoming!

*Cooper is wearing a size 3 diaper.
*With the start of solids, we had to switch diapers to find something that would contain the poop better. I have always been a Pampers user but we have been trying out Huggies Little Movers and so far they are doing a better job!

From December 2011

*Cooper wears size 9 month or 12 month clothes. I am tired of buying a new wardrobe every 3 months so I am buying 12 month stuff now.

From December 2011

*Cooper weighs around 17 pounds. He is in the 50% for weight, height and head circumference.

From December 2011

*Coop eats two solid meals a day. He has rice cereal during the day at school, and a veggie/fruit and oatmeal for dinner.
*So far he has had rice cereal, oatmeal, sweet potatos, peas, carrots, squash, green beans, bananas and applesauce.

From December 2011

*Cooper still nurses every 2 hours or so.
*We are still battling the bedtime changes. He wakes about 45 minutes into the night most nights and then sleeps in 2-3 hour increments usually. I have been trying a lot of different things to change this behavior. Crying it out just hasn't worked on him so we are having to get creative.

From December 2011

*Cooper also stopped taking a paci in the past month. I have gotten out some different brands and even bought a new brand. I don't care what anyone else says, I am desperate for him to take one from time to time so I have continued to offer it. I am almost done pushing the issue but I have to give it a fair shot. I remember how sad I was when Devin no longer had one for comfort and I am way more sad about it this time! Plus, I really don't want a thumb sucker and he is already finding it!

From December 2011

*Cooper is rolling from his back to his front like crazy now and can still roll from his front to back when he wants to.
*He LOVES his feet!

From December 2011

*He also is very ticklish and LOVES to laught!
*Devin would be one of Cooper's favorite people in the world. I love to see his face light up anytime she pays any attention to him or even just enters the vicinity he is in. She is pretty darn crazy about him too!
*When we are at home (as opposed to school) he usually takes a 45 minutes-1 1/2 hour morning nap about 2 hours after he wakes up each morning. He is usually about ready for another nap after 2 hours of awake time but it isn't always easy to get him to settle into taking one so we often end up on the go for this one so he will sleep in motion. Not the best, but better than nothing.
*Cooper bounces like a fool in his jumperoo and gets mad often in the exercauser because he can't make it bounce.
*He also likes to try to bounce/jump while you hold him.
*When I compare the pictures of Devin at 6 months to Coop, I think they look so much alike!