When I had Cooper, I suffered from a HORRIBLE headache. We still aren't sure if it was a spinal headache (would have had to have been a really slow leak) or a tension headache (more likely since my neck was stiff from being curled in a ball for over an hour trying to get a good epidural). Either way, I came home Thursday, felt OK on and off on Friday, on Saturday I felt great all day until that night when the headache always seemed to come back, then Sunday morning I was miserable when I woke up. I texted Dr. B that I was seriously condisering checking myself into the ER because of the pain, and she called back and put me on bedrest for the next 48 hours with round the clock painkillers. This did the trick! And it was probably an answered prayer because Devin had woken up the night before with a high fever and couging. For the next 48 hours, Cooper and I hung out in my room and slept and played ont he bed when he was awake and Devin, Daddy and Sissy hung out in the rest of the house.
This was taken the night we got home. Devin was pretty obsessed with Cooper and has been since the day she met him.
We did have a really good Saturday though. My mom and dad came by and mom got to meet and hold Cooper...
and thankfully so because mom was right at the end of radiation and chemo, and went into the hospital for 3 weeks shortly after this. So he was much older and bigger by the next time she got to see him.
That Saturday while I was feeling pretty good, Devin and Sissy and I went and ran some errands. We went to the library together and D really enjoyed it!
We had friends come and take turns holding this sweet little man...
Mommy and Cooper spent a lot of time in bed on bedrest...