Monday, February 28, 2011

Painting & Stamping

It has been awhile since we pulled the paints out. After almost a week of being at home from the ice storm, I decided that weekend to get some paint out since we had pretty much exhausted the crayons, markers, colored pencils and stickers!

Devin was pretty into the painting this time. I love how she is trying to trace her hand like she does with crayons and markers...
From February 11

From February 11

From February 11

From February 11

Every day I am a little more amazed by how much she is growing up. She has little mannerisms that I just love that show her maturing a little bit by bit each day.
From February 11

We also got some stamps out that I had gotten her for Christmas. She wanted me to open those up right away.

From February 11

From February 11

From February 11

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Sweet Cheeks!

Look at my sweet cheeks little princess!

From February 11

From February 11

From February 11

I can't ever get enough of that bubbly personality and smile!
From February 11

Thursday, February 24, 2011


We had been invited to go to the Rodeo that Thursday of the week we ended up being stuck home from the ice and had been looking forward to it for weeks. I was so bummed that we were iced in and worried we may not get to go, and by the third day of being stuck at home, even though we were staying busy working and playing, I was so ready to get out of this house! My friend decided she didn't want to get out in the weather but that if we did, we could have the tickets for us and her and her son and her parking pass. I called my daddy and asked him if he had been out and if he thought it was safe enough for me to drive there and he was so sweet to drive all the way to my house just to be sure the roads were OK all the way! I think he was stir crazy too and loved getting to come over and see his spunky little granddaughter for a little while too!

We ended up calling to see if Bianca and her daddy wanted to join us and boy did she! The rodeo was pretty empty this day, I am sure because of the weather, but we sure did enjoy a few hours out of the house, and Devin decided she wanted a horsey while there too!

From February 11

From February 11

From February 11

Man, I love those two girls so much!
From February 11

And they love each other so much!
From February 11

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Ice Storm on 2011

Last year we had a snow storm here in good old Fort Worth and got 12 inches of snow. It pretty much shut everything down for about a day or two and was the most snow I have ever seen in my life, let alone in Fort Worth!

Well, this year we got an ice storm that kept us home for 4 days! Luckily it was predicted to be bad and I could tell by the predicted temps that it would be bitterly cold and we probably wouldn't be above freezing for days. Boy was I right! That week I went into work on Monday and brought a big box of stuff home and mentioned to my boss that I had enough work to keep me busy through the end of the week if I needed it, and it turns out I did!

The roads were solid sheets of ice and very treacherous, especially in the first 24 hours. It took Chris an hour to get to about a block away from his shop and he spent another hour trying to get to his shop through the neighborhood he had to go through and finally, after multiple unsuccessful attempts, he turned around and spent another 2 hours trying to get back home! The poor guy got stuck multiple times and had a lot of nice people come out to help him. He slid off the road one time and was worn out from the stress by the time he got home, and so was I!

Devin watched more TV than I think she could even stand since I was trying to still get a full day of work in all week. There were lots of other forms of entertainment as well like lots and lots of coloring and stickers, which many times ended up decorating my arm or baby belly...

From February 11

From February 11

Puzzles galore...
From February 11

From February 11

From February 11

She pulled out all kinds of toys...

From February 11

From February 11

From February 11

We did manage to have an outing to the Rodeo on the third day of being stuck inside and boy did we need it! On the fourth day, it had snowed overnight and this was what we woke up to!

From February 11

All of these snow pictures were actually taken around 2 PM after the snow had started to slightly melt but you still get an idea how much there was!

From February 11

From February 11

There were probably between 4-6 inches of snow...

From February 11

From February 11

Devin didn't care anything about getting out in that cold wet snow, and since I was trying to get some work done, I didn't push it. It was very slippery and I am pregnant so it just wasn't worth it. Maybe next time, I just hope we don't make this an annual tradition!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

A place for everything....

In our home, there is a place for everything...

From February 11

I'm thinking Devin wanted to keep her drink and snack warm while she did a little reading!

From February 11

Friday, February 18, 2011

Mr. Potato Head

Devin got a Mr. Potato head for Christmas this year with a couple different changes of outfits! She loves dressing it up!

From February 11

Such concentration...
From February 11

From February 11

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


This post comes at a sort of bittersweet time for me. Bedtime has always been one of my favorite times of the day with Devin. It is special quiet time she and I have together while I read to her and she reads to me, and we cuddle and love on each other.

From January 11

From January 11

A few nights this week Devin has thrown a huge fit at bedtime and is completely uncooperative. She tells us she has to go potty again over and over trying to distract us. I used to read to her, turn off the lights and put her in her bed and she would go to sleep while reading to herself. Those difficult nights have involved screaming and crying until someone, usually daddy, comes to rescue her and rock her almost to sleep.

From January 11

One night she kept telling me it was daddy's turn. She wouldn't even let me snuggle and read to her.

From January 11

I know this is a stage where she is testing her boundaries, and maybe she has decided she needs less sleep and isn't happy about not having paci, as she has started telling us again that paci is broken.

From January 11

But it breaks my heart to think those days may be coming to an end for me...even if just for a short while. I know that when her brother gets here, bedtime will become a totally different dynamic for our family, and I am trying so hard to enjoy these times we still have together.

From January 11

I am going to remind myself that it is Chris' turn to enjoy the bedtime snuggles with Devin for awhile when she request him. And in the meantime, since she it seems to be a battle of wills with everything with her, I am going to try some different approaches and try to practice some extra patience with her to see if we can get back on track.

Monday, February 7, 2011

It's a ......


From Sono & Belly Pics-2010

Chris and I are absolutely delighted! We found out right before the New Year and have been so incredibly excited since! Chris' lifelong dream of having a little boy has finally come true and we couldn't be happier!

I am 19 weeks today and this is what my baby belly looks like:

From Sono & Belly Pics-2010

Here is my belly at 17 weeks:
From Sono & Belly Pics-2010

I have been feeling so much better lately! I have gained about 5 pounds so far and am still wearing all of my normal clothes. I am going to give in and get some maternity jeans pretty soon though because my others are getting uncomfortable when I have to sit for a long time. I have really started feeling our boy kicking a lot in the past week or so. I felt it so much earlier with Devin, at closer to 13 weeks, so I have been patiently waiting for him to start jabbing me more! I think I felt my first kicks at 17 weeks but they are far more frequent now. I have been sleeping much better lately and have had more energy overall compared to in the beginning.

Devin knows there is a baby in mommy's tummy and will sometimes even talk about it without us bringing it up. She also pats my belly and gives it kisses which is so sweet! She has no real idea what it means for our family, but I know that once she gets past the initial adjustment of having a baby around all the time, she is going to be a great big sister.

I am amazed at how differently everything feels this time. I remember being so obsessed with my pregnancy the first time around. While it still consumes many of my thoughts, it feels like the weeks are flying by before I know it. I haven't started worrying about buying things yet as I know we have a lot of the necessities we will need. I will buy some sleepers and some clothes, some diapers, and extra baby monitor and a few other odds and ends. I want to get a nursery ready at some point, but I am in no hurry to move Devin out of her crib and know baby boy will sleep in the bassinet in our room for awhile anyway. I guess this is what happens when you have a toddler that keeps you on your toes non stop!

We can't wait to meet our sweet little boy this Summer but really trying to enjoy the time we have left with Devin as the only little one in the house.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Bubbles and Giggles...

Devin loves bath time! She loves the warm water, she loves the bubbles that come from the soap in her hair and her body, she loves to lay on her tummy and kick her feet and blow bubbles in the water, she loves to pour water on herself!

From January 11

From January 11

From January 11

From January 11

From January 11

From January 11

And she especially loves to be super super silly....

From January 11

Where's Devin???
From January 11

There she is!!!
From January 11

From January 11

Pure joy on that little girls face!
From January 11