Monday, January 31, 2011


This is what Devin looks like after a morning of markers and some free reign with the chapstick!

From January 11

From January 11

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Balltime with Sissy

One night while Sissy was here, Devin and her were playing catch on the floor. Devin was so full of personality and kept telling her to "get it" and "over there". I just love all the silly faces she was making!

From January 11

From January 11

From January 11

From January 11

From January 11

From January 11

From January 11

From January 11

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Christmas at my parent's house

On Christmas afternoon we went to my parent's house for the rest of our day! The Hughes family was there and we had a fabulous time. Stephani has a daughter named Stella who is just about 6 months younger than Devin so they were both at such a great age this year. Having kids around makes for such an exciting Christmas. It has been so long with just adults that I think everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves watching the girls this year!

They started the day off with some coloring...
From Christmas 10

From Christmas 10

Sweet little Stella
From Christmas 10

From Christmas 10

Then Diddo took the girls into his room to show them some of his things.
From Christmas 10

From Christmas 10

And then they headed into the other room to check out all of Devin's toys. Stella and the kitties both love this little chick...but Devin HATES it for some reason!
From Christmas 10

Snacks were had...after all, it was about 5PM before we ate "lunch". Good thing I brought some cheese and crackers and 7 layer dip which was gone in about 15 minutes.
From Christmas 10

Stella adored Chris and Kortnee
From Christmas 10

From Christmas 10

From Christmas 10

Maggs and Steph
From Christmas 10

Gramps and Diddo...two pals who have been the best of pals for a very long time!
From Christmas 10

And the afternoon was rounded out with a very eventful ride on this little car. Gramps and Diddo ran in laps around the house pushing the girls on this thing. I have never seen those two men act the way that least not in about 30 years! ha! I bet they slept better than the girls that night!
From Christmas 10

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Christmas Morning

I am way behind on blogging lately! Between being pregnant, one illness after another with Devin over the last 2 months and trying to get our house on the market, it hasn't left much free time, and that time has been spent relaxing!

On Christmas morning we always make cinnamon rolls and coffee and have my brother, now Chris' brother who just moved here and anyone else who wants to come over, over for breakfast and to hang out while we open presents. It's always a nice relaxed morning and was exceptionally fun this year because Devin really loved opening presents. She is at a great age where it is all exciting and wonderment and she has no expectations.

This year Michelle made cinnamon rolls and she and John brought them over the night before for us to enjoy on Christmas morning. Devin really loved them!
From Christmas 10

From Christmas 10

Sissy and Devin
From Christmas 10

Then we decided to start opening presents...
From Christmas 10

Grammy Cherry gave Devin this dancing Chicken Elmo and it was by far one of her favorite presents!
From Christmas 10

A very rare picture of all 4 (5!) of us!
From Christmas 10

Then it was off to my parent's house for great company and a Christmas meal!

Saturday, January 22, 2011


Devin has started collecting more and more things that she wnats to take to bed with her. As long as I can put her in her bed without her crying, and it isn't something dangerous or something that might wake her up later, I usually let her take it.

From December 10

From December 10

Lovie is ALWAYS one of them! And I just realized that Bird looks like he is nursing! Lovely!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

First Haircut

I took Devin a few weeks ago to get her first haircut. I loved her hair but it was getting really long and mullet like in the back. I was really worried that she was going to hate sitting there and throw a huge fit, but luckily, she did great!

From December 10

From December 10

From December 10

From December 10

Devin did great and her new haircut looks super cute!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

All smiles....

At the age of 2, Devin's mood can be very unpredictable! There are days that she is cranky all day long and throws tantrums over every little thing! When she is in a good mood though, she is so much fun to be around! This was one of those good mood nights!

I am pretty sure she was pointing and saying "beisbol" which is how she says baseball, but she says it for any sport that involves a ball, including football which is usually what is on the TV at our house when it is football season.

From December 10

From December 10

Cheering "Let's go Auburn, let's go!"
From December 10

From December 10

From December 10

Silly girl!
From December 10