Thursday, December 1, 2011

5 months old

Oh my word, my handsome little dude is 5 months old! Where is the time going?

From November 2011

*Cooper weighs almost 16 pounds.
*He is wearing size 3-6 and 6 months, but with colder weather here, I have been putting him in a lot of 6-9 and 9 month clothes and they seem to fit as well.
*He is wearing a size 3 diaper.
*He still exclusively eats breastmilk, although that will be changing very soon!
*Cooper has never been a very good napper. He usually takes about two 45 minute naps a day and goes to bed between 7:30 and 8 and sleeps until I wake him around 7:15.
*Cooper went on his first road trip last weekend to Austin to visit his Tia Awol. He woke up the morning we left with a terrible chest cold and those sleeping habits in the preceeding line have changed drastically. We are trying to get him back on track!
*Cooper has discovered his feet this month! Most mornings when I go in his room, he is just waking up, and he is often chewing those feet! The feet of his PJ's are always soaked from his slobbober! It sure does make diaper changes harder too!

From November 2011

*Cooper has got quite a grip these days. If you give him a toy and he drops it, if it is within his reach and sight, he will look for it and grab it.
*Cooper LOVES to shake his rattle up and down vigorously!
*While doing tummy time, Cooper has rolled from his front to his back a few times now. He still hasn't roller from his back to his front, but he sure is close to it!

From November 2011

*This past month we put him in the exercauser much more often and he really enjoys playing in it now.
*This past weekend we got out the jumperoo and now that is his favorite toy! He no longer has any care for the exercauser!

From November 2011

*Devin and Cooper interact so much more these days. They love to play together and she can make him laugh just by being herself!
*Coop has a ticklish spot right in the center of his chest that I can make him laugh when I take my nose and rub there. I can do it with my finger too but my nose seems to find the spot better.

From November 2011

*Cooper had to have his first breathing treatment last week when he had that chest cold. We are hoping it is the last, and really hoping he doesn't end up with asthma.

From November 2011

*Every morning when I nurse Cooper in the study, while Devin watches cartoons, he always finishes off by trying to watch some cartoons too. I know he is done eating when he no longer tries to go back for more, and instead turns his head as far to the other side to see if he can see the TV!
*For the most part, Coop seems to have pretty much given up the paci. I'm not sure why I even try still, but he very rarely takes it, and it usually makes him mad when you give it to him!

From November 2011

*Coop LOVES his doggy toy that is in his car seat. He always fusses when I put him in his car seat but as soon as I hand it to him, he usually quiets down.
*Coop also often fusses when we are in the car and it isn't moving. He always wants to be moving! It can make for an interesting drive in traffic!

There is nothing sweeter to me than seeing the bond these two have formed and watching it grow! Every morning as we get out at school, Devin insists that she needs to kiss Cooper's head before we can get out of the car. It makes this momma's heart flutter!

From November 2011

Our sweet little man has brought so much joy to our family!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Wagon Ride

Grammy Cherry decided to take Devin on a wagon ride around the block her last night she was in town.

From July 11

From July 11

I think she enjoyed herself!
From July 11

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Brudders and Seesters

There is one thing that will never get old, and that is seeing our children together! I love this little outtake of Devin and Cooper. He was jsut a few weeks old here and Devin was so incredibly proud of him. She still is, but it was so new still here. I remember thinking how she seemed like she had suddenly aged 3 years once I had Cooper.

This is one of my favorite pictures of my littles!
From July 11

From July 11

From July 11

From July 11

From July 11

From July 11

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Uncle Butch

While Cherry was in town, her brother happened to be coming through town so he stopped in for a night to visit!

We spent lots of time outside under the gazebo with the fan blowing full force. For 110+ temps, it wasn't too miserable there.

From July 11

Uncle Butch loved holding his nephew!
From July 11

It really was fun to have a little bit of Georgia come to us!
From July 11

From July 11

Devin mostly stayed inside where it was cool and the TV was on...her favorite!
From July 11

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Cherry and Patsy

About a week after Coop was born, Chris' mom came for a visit with her grandbabies!  Of course when Cherry is in town, we get to see more of Aunt Patsy and Uncle Tim as well. 

Aunt Patsy could hardly wait to get her hands on that baby and once she did, she didn't give him back until it was time for him to eat again!  :)

From July 11

From July 11

From July 11

The best of friends!

From July 11

It's hard for me to believe he was ever so small!

From July 11

From July 11

Saturday, November 5, 2011

The first few days home...

When I had Cooper, I suffered from a HORRIBLE headache. We still aren't sure if it was a spinal headache (would have had to have been a really slow leak) or a tension headache (more likely since my neck was stiff from being curled in a ball for over an hour trying to get a good epidural). Either way, I came home Thursday, felt OK on and off on Friday, on Saturday I felt great all day until that night when the headache always seemed to come back, then Sunday morning I was miserable when I woke up. I texted Dr. B that I was seriously condisering checking myself into the ER because of the pain, and she called back and put me on bedrest for the next 48 hours with round the clock painkillers. This did the trick! And it was probably an answered prayer because Devin had woken up the night before with a high fever and couging. For the next 48 hours, Cooper and I hung out in my room and slept and played ont he bed when he was awake and Devin, Daddy and Sissy hung out in the rest of the house.

This was taken the night we got home. Devin was pretty obsessed with Cooper and has been since the day she met him.
From July 11

We did have a really good Saturday though. My mom and dad came by and mom got to meet and hold Cooper...
From July 11
and thankfully so because mom was right at the end of radiation and chemo, and went into the hospital for 3 weeks shortly after this. So he was much older and bigger by the next time she got to see him.

That Saturday while I was feeling pretty good, Devin and Sissy and I went and ran some errands. We went to the library together and D really enjoyed it!
From July 11

From July 11

From July 11

We had friends come and take turns holding this sweet little man...
From July 11

Mommy and Cooper spent a lot of time in bed on bedrest...
From July 11

From July 11

Friday, November 4, 2011


Of course when you have a newborn, there is alot of picture taking. Everything they do is the sweetest thing you have ever seen, especially when you are in that full force baby daze still.

Momma's sweet little monkey...
From July 11

From July 11

Sister is always close by!
From July 11

Such a sweet baby boy....
From July 11

Soaking up some Texas heat!
From July 11

Handsome like his daddy...
From July 11

From July 11

Meeting mommy's co workers....
From July 11

I LOVE it when they smile in their sleep!
From July 11

Checking himself out...
From July 11

From July 11


Here are some more randome pictures from Cooper's birthday and the first few days of his life. What a sweet boy he is!

One VERY proud daddy to finally have a son!
From July 11

Daddy holding his son. :) He was bringing him to me to hold for my first time.
From July 11

Home at last...
From July 11

From July 11

From July 11