Saturday, July 31, 2010


Devin is always such the little helper. One day while I was changing her sheets, she decided to remove every book (about 30 board books) out of this basket and carry her sheet to the laundry room for me. The laundry basket just wasn't good enough for the task!

From July 10

It looks like she got distracted along the way...
From July 10

Friday, July 30, 2010

Cutie Patootie!

My mom commented to me the other day that I really needed to upload some new pictures so this post is just for her!

It has been quite hectic at home and work the last few weeks so my picture taking has been more limited and so has my blogging.

With potty training going on at our house, there have been a lot of cutie patootie butt shots lately!

From July 10

From July 10

Have you ever seen such a cute sight? :)

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Big T-Shirt

The other day while at my parent's house, Devin was drinking some water out of a normal cup and managed to spill it all over herself. Since we were going to shop a little, we decided to throw her clothes in the dryer. My mom found an old t-shirt to put on her in the meantime since they run all of their fans in the house at full blast!

It was really funny because the shirt was obviously way too big and Devin kept raising her arms in the air because it was so big. It just gave me a little chuckle!

From July 10

From July 10

From July 10

From July 10

Once I rolled up the sleeves really well she was all set!

Friday, July 23, 2010


When Devin goes to my parent's house, one of her favorite snacks there is some of my mom's yogurt. She is spoiled to death over there and she gets to sit on a stool to eat instead of in her chair.

From July 10

In between bites she says Yummmmm
From July 10

From July 10

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Oh the Mess

A few weekends ago when Jacob came over to play with Devin, I am pretty sure those two got out every toy we have! It really doesn't bother me to have a mess temporarily, especially if the kids are playing, but I do also like to get it all cleaned up eventually and they are both great clean up helpers. :)

From July 10

Devin is showing him how it's done!
From July 10

From July 10

From July 10

Sweet boy...
From July 10

From July 10

From July 10

From July 10

From July 10

On to the "kitchen"
From July 10

Devin showing him how it's done again
From July 10

And before they helped clean up, this is what the living room looked like!
From July 10

From July 10

Oh the mess! :)

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Potty Training

We are in the midst of potty training and there have often been scenes of a streaking toddler in our home. Chris captured this one tonight at my mom's house and I just love it!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Monday, July 19, 2010

Little Lovebirds

For some reason anytime that Devin and Jacob get together, there always seems to be hugging, kissing and hand holding involved. We sure do think it's cute now, but I suspect as they get older, it won't be quite as amusing to us parent's!

They look so natural together, don't they?
From July 10

I keep thinking of them at a middle school dance together only they are standing closer that we would like when that time comes. ha!

From July 10

From July 10

From July 10

From July 10

I promise, none of this behavior is prompted by us parent's. These two are just fast friends and seem to really like each other!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

A Daddy's Love

Oh how Devin adores her daddy! She talks about him from the second she wakes up until the moment she goes to sleep. I just thought this little series with them on the couch was so sweet and shows their bond...

From July 10

From July 10

From July 10

From July 10

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Park Days

Sissy and I were bored one afternoon and decided to take Devin for a quick trip to the neighborhood park. I saw it as a great opportunity to get a few pictures of my girls together!

That sissy is so attentive of her little Devin
From July 10

From July 10

From July 10

From July 10

From July 10

She has grown into such a beautiful woman...even though I still think of her as a little girl
From July 10

It was really hot and very humid that day, but that didn't stop Devin from exploring
From July 10

From July 10

These two girls melt my heart with thier affection for each other
From July 10

From July 10

A little time in the swing
From July 10

From July 10

From July 10

And then it was time to head back into the A/C!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Alphabet Soup

The other night while I was bathing Devin I noticed that she had put a different letter into each of the cups in the tub. I don't know why these little discoveries are cute to me, but they are! Alphabet soup anyone?

From July 10

From July 10

Thursday, July 15, 2010

4th of July

As per our usual lately, we hosted a little gathering at our house for the 4th of July. There were a lot of the normal people missing which made it a smaller more intimate gathering, but we had a great time just the same!

Just a few pics from the day!

Edward and Dad
From July 10

Kortnee and Me
From July 10

Edward and Devin. He is really coming around with her and is even holding her in a position that doesn't look like he might drop her soon.
From July 10

From July 10

From July 10

My super silly husband
From July 10

Beautiful KoKo
From July 10

My dad and Aunt Sally
From July 10

One of the crowd
From July 10

I love this picture. Edward was pretending to grill, but he picked up the grill brush instead of the tongs. Isn't he funny?
From July 10

Devin has just woken up from her nap and was a little shy at first so she sat with Gerry for awhile.
From July 10

Devin and my mom
From July 10

Devin and her daddy
From July 10

It was a great day with lots of great food, family and friends!