Saturday, May 22, 2010


Tonight we went to pick out a book for my friends new baby on the way. Devin got a few new books too and read all the way home in the car....upside down. ;).

She tells me it's just better that way!

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Animal Lover

Devin has really been all about the animals lately. She is finally getting to a point where she pets them gently and nicely and I think they actually enjoy her petting them as much as she enjoys doing it.

Here she is with Tia Awol giving Lance some love. Sorry for the poor picture quality. Sometimes the only camera I have handy is the one on my phone!

From May 10

From May 10

From May 10

From May 10

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Thursday, May 20, 2010


Lately if I am trying to get dressed and Devin is awake while I am doing it, she wants to sit in my lap and help me put on makeup. She often takes the blush brush and swipes her cheeks. While I was brushing my teeth, I looked over and saw her putting on some mascara!

From May 10

From May 10

I tilt the mirror down when I am not sitting there so she can see herself and she loves it!

From May 10

From May 10

From May 10

Do you think she has been taking notes? :)

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Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Last weekend Devin had a very busy social calendar! We went to two birthday parties, visited Tia Awol, mommy went to another suprise party for a friend, and then we visited Aunt Bird at the cemetary on Mother's Day and Uncle Rick's outside paradise.

From May 10

From May 10

While at one of the birthday parties, Devin discovered a tricyle. She loved this thing! She spent most of the evening riding on it, not using the pedals yet. She also had some sidewalk chalk that was on the ground and she would put it in the basket on front!

From May 10

From May 10

To me, the best part was when someone else was riding it. She would go find the wagon and pull it all around the driveway offering to pull other kids. As soon as they got off the tricyle and into the wagon, she dropped the wagon and went for the tricyle again! So silly!

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Monday, May 10, 2010

17 Months

Time is flying by! Devin is already 17 months month she will be a year and a half and before I know it, she will be graduating from high school! :( This has been a really fun month with Devin! She is growing up so fast and picking up on everything these days!

From May 10

*Devin weighs 24 pounds.

*Devin has mostly outgrown all of her 18 month clothes and is in 24months/2T now.

*She is still wearing a size 4 diaper.

*She is in a size 5 shoe but I am trying to decide is she needs to move up to a 6. I think her issues is that she likes to walk on her toes but it is hard to say.

*Devin is still nursing about 3 times a day. First thing in the morning, last thing before we start the bedtime routine and once during the night.

*Devin still as 12 teeth and this past month let me start brushing them with a real toothbrush rather than the finger brush.

From May 10

*When we are in the car and a good song comes on, I often see her bopping her little head and even moving her little shoulders along with the music. Her daddy has shown her how to do it, but she obviously has her mommy's urge to dance to great music!

*One night when she wasn't wanting to eat, I decided to let her try out a was a huge hit with her! She loves forking her food now and another way to get her to eat when she decides she isn't interested.

*While we were on vacation, her cousin gave her a baby doll which we have named Baby Olive after her baby cousin. She takes such good care of that baby. I have seen her trying to pull the blanket between it's legs as if she is diapering it. We have seen her washing it's hands. She also wraps her in her blanket and loves on her baby doll like I love on her.

*Recently she found an empty box I had thrown down on the ground to throw away the next time I went into the kitchen. She picked the box up and went right to it's normal home under the bathroom sink and tried to put it away.

*She is starting to know the uses of paper towels/Kleenex/hand towels etc.

*If you hand her a paper towel after she has been eating she will wipe her mouth.

*If you give her a Kleenex she will blow her nose. That is her most recent obsession since it has been running this week.

*If you wash her hands, she wants a towel to dry them off with.

*After that, she often drops the towel on the floor to dry the water she dripped on the floor after seeing me do it numerous times.

From May 10

*She follows me into the bathroom every chance she gets and tries to give me toilet paper to wipe with. I let her flush the potty and then we always wash our hands. She LOVES the hand washing part for some reason and then wiping them on a towel.

*She is really starting to follow directions. I often ask her to put her shoes away and she will carry them to her room and put them in the drawer. If I ask her to help clean up she will start putting things in their place. If I ask her to take something to daddy etc or go get something she will often do it.

*Every morning when it is time to go to school/work, I ask the dogs if they want a treat which means to get in your bed. Devin now runs to their crates to help me give them their treats. If I don't get there first, she climbs into Harley's bed and we have a huge fight getting her out. :)

*Devin is talking a ton lately. It is still mostly gibberish, but she talks non stop and has tone and voice inflection. She definitely understands what we are saying but doesn't know how to talk back yet.

*Devin shakes her head yes and no all the time and says ya for everything that is a yes.

*Devin gives hugs and kisses when you ask her for them.

*Devin has been blowing kisses with her daddy for a month or two. Last week my mom kept her for me 2 afternoons. As she leaves, she waves non stop. My mom blew her a kiss and Devin finally blew a kiss back to someone else!

*I put piggy tails in Devin's hair this month and both Chris and I think it is the cutest thing ever!

*We introduced peanut butter a few weeks ago. She has had it a few times now and loves it!

*Devin has really started figuring out how to play with her shape sorter as well as puzzles and is getting better and better at getting the right pieces in the right places.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Shape Sorter

This little shape sorter is one of those things that Devin often pulls out of her toy box and brings into the room where we are and starts working on. Although she gets really frustrated with it and will bang the shapes on it sometimes to try to force them in, she is getting better and better and getting them in as well. The other day, I was putting things up and walked in and she had gotten every one of the shapes in their slots without any help from me!

From May 10

She has her thinking tongue out here...
From May 10

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Hurricane Devin!

At least my little hurricane cleans up after herself now too.....sometimes!

She loves to get the box that houses her crayons and painting supplies and dump them all over the place. She doesn't like to draw with the crayons as much as she likes to move them around. Here is just one of her many attempts at doing that.

From May 10

From May 10

To heck with one thing at a time...
From May 10

Caught red handed...
From May 10

From May 10

From May 10

OK, now to start cleaning it up...
From May 10

Friday, May 7, 2010

Wild Wild Child!

I don't know what has gotten into our girl lately but for the past week or so, when she gets home from school, she is just WILD!

See that crazed look in her eye?

I'm just glad that she's happy!

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The other night Chris took a few pictures of Devin on his phone while she was playing outside. She is always a busy busy girl no matter where she is!

From May 10

From May 10

She loves to dump her toy bin outside out anytime there is anything in it!
From May 10

From May 10

Time for a little break!
From May 10

From May 10

What a sweet little innocent face!
From May 10

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Just Fork It!

This past weekend, Devin wasn't wanting to eat her dinner. Apparently it is very common for toddlers to become picky eaters because it is one thing, in their huge world, that they feel they can control. What I try to do to combat that, is give Devin a spoon to feed herself with and a bowl. The difference between feeding herself with her hands, and a spoon could be a bowl full of veggies!

I gave her some pizza a few nights ago. She wasn't acting all that interested because it was something new to her. I decided to let her try out a fork and the girl LOVED it! I am definitely going to buy her some more manageable sized forks this weekend! She was so proud with every bite she took!

From May 10

From May 10

From May 10

From May 10

From May 10

And on another note, she tried her first peanut butter and jelly sandwich recently as well and it was a huge hit!

From May 10