Monday, March 29, 2010

Egg Hunt...not so much!

This past weekend Devin's cousin Bianca invited her to join her for an Easter Egg hunt that TCU was hosting. Of course she accepted and started looking through her closet for the cutest dress she could find! :) We all met up and the girls were adorable. The hunt was scheduled to start at 1:30. There were different sections for different ages taped off with eggs and stuff to hunt. We stood around until 2 and the hunt finally started...and a whole 45 seconds later, I heard people saying it was over. Luckily for us, Devin had no idea what was really going on, so we stayed near the edge of the tape and she gathered a few empty eggs that people had trampled over and left. She had a great time playing with those eggs for he rest of the afternoon! Poor Bianca was really excited about the hunt and I think really disappointed and probably even more overwhelmed by how quickly it all started and ended. I made her promise that we would have our own egg hunt at one of our houses next. Either way, we tried to get some cute pics of the girls in their adorable outfits. Of course neither of them would cooperate and smile, but they were still cute anyway!

Devin sat with the Easter bunny first to show Bianca that it really wasn't too scary..
From March 10

Bianca and my cousin Todd and his wife Mara
From March 10

D looks kind of mad but really the sun was just really bright!
From March 10

From March 10

Waiting with their daddy's to go hunt some eggs
From March 10

Still waiting
From March 10

Getting tired from waiting (and from missing her nap!)
From March 10

The rare picture of all three of us
From March 10

Mommy and Devin
From March 10

From March 10

Finally, some happy faces!!!
From March 10

From March 10

From March 10

From March 10

Checking out her finds
From March 10

From March 10

From March 10

Sticking close to daddy
From March 10

On our way back to the car, we came across a few different flower beds filled with beautiful tulips! Oh what a wonderful photo opp if our kids would just smile for us dangit!

From March 10

Devin is holding on to her empty egg as you can see
From March 10

From March 10

Hitching a rid with daddy
From March 10

Another flower bed
From March 10

From March 10

And another
From March 10

From March 10

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Practicing with Acorns

Devin and her cousin Bianca are going to hunt Easter eggs today! While in Aunt Bird's backyard playing yesterday, they got lots of practice with acorns and both had a ball!

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Monday, March 22, 2010

Out in the the house....

Devin and Grayson had a great time playing togeter all day long!

From March 10

Girl talk..
From March 10

From March 10

From March 10

From March 10

I LOVE this expression on Grayson's face!
From March 10

Isn't he a looker?
From March 10

From March 10

From March 10

Grayson isn't real crazy about the camera and usually runs from it. I happened to catch him off guard a few times this day though. :) Look at those baby blues!
From March 10

Both giving me a silly sideway look...
From March 10

Out in the country

Chris' brother is in town this week along with Kortnee. We have a full house of family! Yesterday we went out to Chris' Aunt Patsy and Uncle Tim's house to pick up his brother John. We enjoyed some wonderful burgers and a great time with the family! Devin had so much fun playing with her cousin Grayson!

While we were out there, we went out to the barn and fed the horses and donkey's some apples and carrots. The donkeys were hysterical and really did make the hee-haaawwww, heee-haaawwww sound that I had always heard they make. Despite the really windy cold air, Devin LOVED petting the horses and donkey's and even tried to stick her entire hand up the horses nose. :) She was squealing like crazy as she pet them. If it hadn't been so windy, I would have recorded it!

From March 10

Filo & Josie
From March 10

From March 10

From March 10

From March 10

From March 10

From March 10

From March 10

From March 10

She has a finger in there...
From March 10

Oh no daddy...
From March 10

From March 10