Wednesday, February 24, 2010

More Dancing

So there is some Auburn Football video that Chris was watching one day and when he started playing it, he noticed that Devin was dancing to it and totally enthralled in it! Here are a few videos of her watching it. I LOVE the last one where she and her daddy are playing.

This is the one I just melts my heart. :)


With her tongue that is! Devin has apparently acquired the thinking with her tongue trait that both her Tia Awol and her cousin Bianca have!

From February 10

So busy all the time...
From February 10

From February 10

Daddy's Phone

Oh my, Devin loves technology, and Daddy has used his phone as a distraction enough now that she is totally intersted in it! A lot like my laptop, she knows just what buttons to push...she knows just enough to be dangerous!

From February 10

From February 10

From February 10

From February 10

From February 10

Snow Day

A few weeks ago we had record snowfall here in Texas...almost 12 inches total in a 24 hour period! It was incredible! It started on Thursday. I went into work that morning and left around 3 PM as the roads were getting worse and the temp was dropping and snow was very steadily falling. By the time we got home around 4, we discovered that we had no power. :( I bundled us all up a little more and decided to take some pics! I didn't take Devin out to play in the snow because the house was pretty cold and I wouldn't have anywhere warm to take her into. We ended up going to my parent's house for the night and from what the neighbors say, our power didn't come back on until about 4 AM. We really were lucky because there were many people without power for days, my boss included.

Keeping warm inside
From February 10

From February 10

This is the first day when there were probably 3-4 inches of snow. I didn't get any the next morning because I didn't have my camera and in the morning we were busy trying to get a huge tree limb off my car, and Chris to work on time. By the time I got out, it had really started melting, but believe me, it was a winter wonderland!

From February 10

From February 10

The dogs were trying to stay warm as well...
From February 10

From February 10

From February 10

From February 10

Look how deep the dog's footprints were...
From February 10

Big Girl

Once Devin was finally over the croup, it was time to get her back into her noraml routine. She refused most table foods for a good week while she was sick and gained an aversion to her high chair. Thankfully we have gotten her back into it now, but for this night, she would have NOTHING to do with it! So we put her in a booster seat at the bar. At this point, we were still just happy for her to eat!

Isn't she growing up so fast?
From February 10

From February 10

Missing Sissy

One night recenly, Devin was up WAY past her bedtime. We had just had new windows installed and she was at the end of having croup and being off all week with mommy, so her schedule was totally off, and I had been working hard to wash all the bedding in all the rooms, and clean all the floors and dust everything really well. This night, I was making Kortnee's bed after washing the sheets while Devin "helped" me in her room. Once the bed was made, she wanted up to pose for a few pictures so she could tell her sissy how much she wishes she was here and how much she loves her room!

From February 10

From February 10

Her PJ's match perfectly!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


My girl loves to dance.....and color!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

The Best Child in the House

Even though it was Valentines weekend, Chris and I decided to brave the crowds and go to our favorite place for dinner. It was totally packed with familys and lots of kids who were acting totally unruley with parents paying no attention to them. We waited forever for a table, awhile for someone to take our order and even longer for our food. Devin was the most well behaved kid in the place! Thank God for her recent love affair with crayons, that sure helped with the wait! Sorry for the dark phone pic!

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Shopping with mommy

My girl loves to shop with me and her grandmommy!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

14 Months!

Devin is 14 months old already! I can hardly believe it!

Devin weighs around 23 pounds.

Devin is wearing size 12-18 clothes. I have been buying size 18-24 in anything else I buy at this point for winter so it will get her through the beginning of next Winter. I am also buying 18-24 months for summer stuff so it will get her through the Summer.

Devin is wearing a size 4 diaper.

Devin is wearing a size 5 shoe.

Devin has 9 teeth. That 8th and 9th tooth just came through a few weeks ago and is still making it's entrance. The 9th one is a canine!

Devin has gotten really good at using her spoon this month and loves to feed herself with it. At home, she often picks things that are not in her bowl up and drops them in her bowl so she can pick them up with the spoon too.

Devin likes to say hi, hi, hi to anyone who will look! She waves too! She also says momma, dadda, uh oh regulalry. She often repeats a word you say as well.

If I ask Devin to bring something to me, or to take something to daddy, she often understands what I am telling her and does it!

We are teaching Devin how to blow kisses and she tries to do it. It is so cute when she puts her hand to her mouth. She hasn't quite got it yet, but she tries when we are both showing her.

Devin is speaking all sorts of jibberish, forming some different letters and sounds together. I just wish I knew what language it was in because she carries on full conversations these days.

It has been tantrum central around our house lately. Devin was home all week last week with croup and may have gotten a little spoiled because she is throwing tantrums left and right now. I hope that ends soon.

I noticed a little picture on the wall that Devin had made at daycare so I decided to let her draw at home too. That has quickly become one of her favorite things to do these days. She has completely forgotten about her kitchen for the time being.

She still loves the animals and pets them constantly. Her petting has gotten a little harder this month, so we are having to really keep an eye on her with them.

She is such a little person these days and brings a smile to our faces every single day!

Saturday, February 6, 2010


While we were and my parent's house, Devin was acting very silly. This was the day after her steroid shot and she hot lots of energy and we thought she was doing so much better. Little did I know that by the next day, when it wore off and she got more congested, that she would be pathetic again.

This is all sorts of wrong, but she was laughing so hard, my mom and I couldn't resist recording it.

My little dancing queen


Thank God for grandparents! I wish they all lived close by! Devin and I were getting really stir crazy this week after being couped up in the house together. We needed a change of scenery so we went to my parent's house for a little while one day. They also babysat one night so Chris and I could get a much needed break and go to the rodeo with some of our good friends. Devin had fun playing with her Dinco and Grandmommy. She even said Grandmommy the other night while my parent's were babysitting!

This is Jurasics. Devin loves him and he loves to stalk her the entire time she is at their house.
From February 10

My mom found these totally overpriced dressed up mice that I had as a child. Devin loves playing with them.
From February 10

Sharing the mouse with Dinco and showing it to Jurasics who is always dying to get ahold of it!
From February 10

From February 10

From February 10

Now she is showing him
From February 10

From February 10

Playing on her car
From February 10

From February 10

She loves this shelf. It has my brother's cars from when he was little lined up on it. She goes and gets those cars every single time we go over there and plays with them.
From February 10

Dinco has taught her how to make them go
From February 10

From February 10

From February 10

From February 10

Chocolates and Jurasics are watching her antics
From February 10

On to the kitty toys
From February 10

From February 10

From February 10


We are still home with a sick Devin. Today she has been
helping me while I try to work from home.

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Long Week

This has been a long week in our household! As posted before, Devin has croup. I hate croup. It was scary the first day or two, especially the first night she had it. One of us was up with her almost the entire night because she couldn't breath well when we would lay her down. I took her to the Dr on Monday were she got a steroid shot which helped with the breathing. Then there is the horrible congestion and cough that follows the initial barking seal cough. The cough she has now is so bad that it makes her throw up sometimes. Ugh! I feel so bad for her. She has no appetite and now has an ear infection as well. She is super needy and fussy and is throwing tantrums left and right. I think she is frustrated because she can't really tell me what she wants. All I know is I am so ready for her to start feeling all better, SOON!

I am so incredibly thankful for such an awesome husband and partner in parenting. I couldn't have asked for a better man in my life and daddy for our children. Kortnee and Devin are two lucky girls! I hope they realize it and (many many) years down the road marry a man that is as wonderful to them as their daddy is to us. I know how blessed I am!

Devin's newest thing this week is coloring. She loves it!
From February 10

From February 10