Sunday, January 31, 2010

It's Cold Outside!

Yesterday was sort of a gloomy day here in Texas. It has been cold, rainy and sort of gloomy most of this week. My brother came over and hung out with us for most of the day. While the boys were messing with Chris' phone, I snapped a few pics of Devin!

From January 10

From January 10

Of course she is testing the limits here....trying to put both knees on the airplane.
From January 10

From January 10

From January 10

Harley thinks this kind of weather (any kind really ;)) is good for snuggling..
From January 10

Harley loves him some Edward!
From January 10

From January 10


At school, they have been working with Devin on using her spoon. She is doing really well with it! We have been trying to use it at home as well. She is such a big girl. I just can't believe it! She will also pick things outside of her bowl up and drop them in there so she can use her spoon some more!

From January 10

Little Girls

Little girls have a way of getting everyone involved. Last weekend my cousin Alison came to town. It has been awhile since she visited and she didn't make it over the holidays, so we decided to get the family together at our house one night for dinner. As we always do, we had loads of fun.

I looked over at one point and saw that half of the adults were on the floor playing with Devin and Bianca. I love how little girls can bring the best out of us adults. Alison and I are very close in age. She is basically like a sister to me. It is so much fun to see Devin and Bianca playing together and I hope that they grow as close of a bond as Alison and I have.

It is almost impossible to get everyone looking at the camera at the same time. Notice they got my dad on the floor with them. He eventually joined in on the tea party as well!
From January 10

Tia Awol and her girls..
From January 10

Now Sally is joining in as well...and Harley too.
From January 10

From January 10

From January 10

From January 10

Then Bianca pushed Devin around on her beloved airplane. After I put Devin to bed, and I was talking to Bianca, she told me Devin didn't share her airplane with her. I wasn't with them when they were playing so I guess I need to regulate that better next time.
From January 10

From January 10

Daddy Snuggles

If you have a young child, you probably know that the days of sleeping in are long gone. Sometimes when it is cold though, everyone want to climb back into bed and cuddle a little. Chris was still trying to wake up, but he is never too asleep to snuggle with his girl.

Keeping mommy's side of the bed warm...
From January 10

Snuggling with daddy
From January 10

Sometimes not everyone has the same idea...
From January 10

Sunday Reading Continued...

A few weeks ago, as I was gathering the laundry, Devin in her normal fashion was following me around and "helping". I often put her in her basket and push her into the living room where I sort everything. She thinks it is a fun little ride. So while I was changing the sheet on her bed, she climbed right in the basket. Her books were right there next to it so she made a Sunday morning of it and lounged in the laundry basket and read a few while she waited. Silly girl!

From January 10

From January 10

Thursday, January 21, 2010

So serious

Last night Chris babysat so I could meet the girls for dinner. When I got home he had sent me this picture with a sweet caption. Doesn't she look so serious?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Monday, January 18, 2010

Sunday reading

Nothing like a little Sunday morning reading in the dirty clothes basket!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Sunday, January 17, 2010

13 Months Old!

Devin is 13 months old!

From January 10

*Devin is wearing a size 4 diaper.

*She is still in 12-18 month clothes.

*She is wearing a size 5 shoe.

*Devin weighs about 23 pounds.

*Devin has 7 teeth and an 8th one coming in right now. I also think she might be trying to get some molars.

*Devin is a really good eater and eats most of what we give her. She spits things out sometimes, but often, if I offer it to her again, she will eat it. Sometimes I think it is the new texture that makes her spit things out the first time.

*Devin has really started to climb on everything lately. She is constantly testing the limits to see how much she can get away with.

*Devin has added a few words to her regular vocabulary with hi being her favorite. She says hi to anyone and everyone who even looks at her when we are out shopping. She also says momma, dadda, dog, cat, and uh oh.

*Devin is often repeating words that we say now. She doesn't use them herself yet though.

*She is also repeating a lot of our actions.

*I am seeing the lights go on with this girl. She now understands how to use the shape sorter and sometimes can even match up the same shapes and get them in!

From January 10

*Devin has increased her independent play time this month and will happily play alone longer and longer.

*Devin still only takes one nap a day that is usually in the mornings and lasts about 2 hours. If I let her, I think she would often sleep 3 for me, but it always interferes with night time sleep when I let her so I usually wake her as she is getting to 2 1/2 hours or so.

*Devin has a fierce independent streak lately and wants to try everything herself. One the other hand, she is very needy for momma when she is tired.

*Devin still nurses about 5 times a day. She shows no signs of stopping, but does love her cow's milk during the day.

*With the exception of some nights, Devin is sleeping 4-5 hour stretches at night these days. We are getting there, slowly but surely.

*We have been working on being able to put Devin down in her crib at night tired, but not asleep. She will do it easily for everyone else, but for momma, she still fights it a little. Daddy hasn't tried it yet, but he will have his chance this week!

*Devin is just barely using her pacifier anymore. She only uses it at bedtime before she goes to sleep. She spits it out almost as soon as she drifts off and no longer takes it during the night. We have really stopped letting her have it at all anytime other than bedtime and she doesn't seem to have an issue with it at all.

*Devin has picked up her walking pace these days, and is also quite an efficient runner when she wants to be as well!

*Devin is obsessed with the toilet these days. Although we are in no way actually potty training, I often sit her on the potty for a few minutes before her bath because it is a time she often goes. The other day she had her first peepee in the potty!

*She also threw her first toy in the potty the other day and then tried to fish it out. We try to keep the lid down, but obviously sometimes we forget. We always keep the door to the bathrooms closed anyway so there is no danger if the lid is open because she is never in there unattended. I just happened to be looking the other direction.

I am sure I am missing things, as she is changing rapidly these days!

One Proud Dad

If you know Chris, you know that he is a huge Auburn Tigers fan! Look at their newest, cutest cheerleader!

From January 10

From January 10

From January 10

From January 10

A Playdate with Grayson

Devin and I went yesterday to have a playdate with her cousin Grayson! We had a lot of fun! It was so nice for the mommies to get to talk while the kids played. For a change, Grayson was Mr. personality while Devin got really shy. I know it is because we were in his environment and he was totally comfortable because the roles are usually reversed it seems. I didn't get a lot of pics because they were both constantly on the move, and Devin was being a little clingy and he hates the camera, but here are a few cute ones. He is all boy, that's for sure!

Riding his tricycle around the room. Notice the gun and fireman hat placed so perfectly on the chair...
From January 10

From January 10

They both really wanted to play on this...
From January 10

From January 10

She always got on this backwards as well! She was a little short for it so I was holding onto her everytime she got on it and never got any pictures of it!

Riding Backwards

Devin got some riding toys for her birthday that she LOVES to play on. With the exception of the 2 weeks that she played with nothing but her kitchen, it is usually the first toys she goes for every morning when she gets up, and is one of the few that got any attention during her otherwise two week toy strike! Ha! She can get onto it herself, but for some reason prefers to ride it backwards. She loves to mess with the propeller while it is spinning and while sitting backwards, her back pushes to button that makes it spin so it works out well for her!

From January 10

From January 10

From January 10

From January 10

From January 10

Into Everything

Devin has really been testing the limits lately and one way she does it is by trying to climb on everything! She is able to get herself onto the couch about 50% of the time. She is hiking her leg up in her crib now too but is still too short to get anywhere with that. I see a toddler bed in her future though sooner than I had hoped.

In our kitchen we have an island (as seen in many pictures) and it has a little shelf on the bottom of it. Devin is always trying to climb on it, and then stand up on it. We tell her NO firmly and she will get down and play. Then when you aren't looking anymore, she is right back on it. She also likes to dangle a toy, and place it just too far to reach, then look at you, then look at the toy and reach with one leg up, then look back at you again and on and on until she is on the table. Sly is her middle name these days!

Speaking of sly, another favorite is to squat down, pick up something tiny off the floor, like a leaf that has been tracked in on someones shoe. If I see her squat down, then stand up and RUN off, I know she has something she just picked up and is about to put her in her mouth! She keeps me on my toes all the time!

I know this is all a healthy part of exploring her environment so we try to redirect if she is doing something dangerous and let her explore otherwise.

From January 10

From January 10

From January 10

As you can see here, she has climbed into her toy basket to play...I let her do this, untilof course she tried to climb out of it and onto the shelf next to her!
From January 10

From January 10

From January 10

From January 10

From January 10

From January 10

From January 10