Monday, November 30, 2009

Little Helper

Devin is such the little helper lately. She is always helping me with whatever I do whether it be emptying the dishwasher, sorting laundry, or even wiping a mess up off the floor.

Twice this weekend I was wiping something up off the floor. She came over to me and helped me wipe the floor. I hope she continues to like to help me clean. This could be a good thing really!

And the best part is that she is happy as can be helping!

From November 09

From November 09

From November 09

From November 09

Yep, I really hope she likes to help clean up some day, because as much as she tries to help me clean up, she is far more efficient at making messes still! Look how proud she is of this one! And of course there is another one behind her too!

From November 09

She takes items out one by one...we are teaching her to put smaller items into bigger ones so there is hope that some day she will do the opposite!
From November 09

From November 09

She is even applauding herself for this one! This was one of those mommy gives up moments because she normally isn't allowed near the TV or the games.
From November 09

Saturday, November 14, 2009


I just thought these were cute...I especially love her in the videos. How can you not be happy with this little girl and her infectious smile around!

From November 09

From November 09

From November 09

From November 09

Oh how I love my little ladybug! She just makes me smile!

And a random one I just had to throw in there....
From November 09

Don't Worry Be Happy

That pretty much explains it!

From November 09

From November 09

From November 09

From November 09

Animal Lover

Devin loves her puppies! She loves them so much that she tries to get in bed with them. Oh, if only they loved her as much as she loves them! Maybe one of these days when she learns a slightly gentler approach with them they will feel the same about her as she does about them!

From November 09

From November 09

From November 09

From November 09


If there is one thing Devin loves, it is to play. She is increasingly more independent in her playtime on the weekends. Usually during the week, by the time she gets home from school she is so tired and nearing dinnertime and bedtime, that she is really needy. Plus, she has been away from mommy and daddy all day! On the weekends though it is a completely different story. She plays, and plays and plays! Devin loves to "read" books in her room! She also loves anything musical! We often find her bouncing away to the music or making some of her own!

Going through her basket of books in her room...every night we read at bedtime so I keep all the board books in this basket for easy access. She loves going through them herself too!

From November 09

From November 09

From November 09

From November 09

Friday, November 13, 2009


Devin is starting to walk....the other night at my parent's house she walked across the room 3 different times. I happened to catch one of them on video!

And this was the night before at our house. She really does want to do it, just doesn't want to do it all the time. She is getting there though.

Monday, November 9, 2009

11 Months Old

From October 09

I am just not sure how it is even possible that Devin is 11 months old!

What is she up to these days?

Devin weighs around 19-20 pounds. I need to check this.

Devin is still in a size 3 diaper.

Devin is still in 12 month clothes but I have been buying all 18 month clothes so they will get her all the way through winter.

Devin and Daddy had their first overnight alone without was actually 2! It went better than both Chris and I expected. Devin, Kortnee and I are so lucky to have such a good man in our lives! He handled it like a champ! Good job daddy!

Devin starting waving and clapping all in the same week. A lot of days when I go to pick her up from daycare, they tell me she has been waving and clapping at them all day long!

Devin has been taking steps like a mad woman. I won't be surprised at all if she is walking by her first birthday. Yesterday she was walking back and forth between Chris and I and taking 4-5 steps at a time. As soon as I turned on the video camera though she was DONE!

Devin has gone from eating all of her favorite food at dinner and picking at the rest, to eating almost every bite of everything I give her every night! We have one growing girl on our hands!

Devin is also tolerating far more chunky foods than last month. I am still cautious, but starting to not cut things into such tiny bites anymore.

Speaking of tiny bites, Devin is super efficient with her pincher grasp now!

Devin is using her walking toy and turning it around and using it to walk wherever she wants to all the time now.

Devin is still obsessed with the animals. She is always trying to climb in the dog crates and loves to pet the dogs and cats! She and Izzy seem to adore each other the most.

Devin has a 5th tooth coming in on the top right! I am sure there are more to follow very soon as they normally arrive in pairs.

Devin has become very shy lately when we are in new situations, even around people she knows. She lightens up pretty quickly, but definitely has a shy side coming out. She is very much like Kortnee in this respect.

I am sure she has been doing lots more new stuff but it is happening at lightning speed and hard to keep up with!

I can't believe that in one short month we will be celebrating her first birthday!

Sunday, November 1, 2009


Devin didn't go Trick or Treating this year but she did go to a party at her cousin's house. Devin and Bianca were the only little girls there and were two of the cutest princesses I have ever seen!

From October 09

From October 09

From October 09

Devin has started acting really shy when we first go places she doesn't go to all the time. She hadn't come out of her shell yet here.
From October 09

From October 09

Cute little bottoms!
From October 09

Lots of fun playing!
From October 09

From October 09

From October 09

From October 09

From October 09

Then Devin discovered the train!
From October 09

From October 09

From October 09

A cute on of Bianca and Mara!
From October 09

I just love these 2 videos.

In this one Devin is so into the train she discovered!

Devin is getting quite excited here! Bianca was reading and talking and Devin was bouncing around and making all kinds of noises as you can see. It is so heartwarming to see little girls being little girls.