Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Shopping Cart

Devin has this little shopping cart that you can see in lots of other pics. This is one of her favorite toys and one of mine too. She is so cute when she puts something in the basket and the music starts playing and she starts bouncing up and down dancing away.

It had this apple in it that she just loves! We like to pass it back and forth and pretend to take bites out of it.

From September 09

From September 09

From September 09

From September 09

From September 09

A bright and shiny kind of day!

This was one of those days that my little ladybug was just bright and shiny all day long. Happy as could be, laughing for no reason, full of personality, and minimal crying. I will take those kinds of days every day please!

Hi momma, you coming to play with me?
From September 09

From September 09

Let's go in here and play with my house...
From September 09

Just follow the ruffles...
From September 09

Oh wait, I think I see something outside instead...
From September 09

OK, back to business....
From September 09

From September 09

Izzy, you and your secrets are so funny!
From September 09

Going for It

What do I see over here....

From September 09

Big reach...
From September 09

Almost have my paws on it...
From September 09

Got it!
From September 09

As you can see, Devin is getting braver and braver. She is letting go with both hands all the time these days.

And a few more cute ones...
From September 09

From September 09

And letting go again...probably going for the camera in this one!
From September 09

Saturday, September 26, 2009

The Toy Chest

If you have small children, you know how quickly all of their toys, especially all of their large toys, can take over your used to be adult space. You especially know about this once your small child is mobile, and can destroy a room in a matter of minutes! One saving grace is to invest in a "toy chest" that blends well with your living area. We went for a dark colored basket that actually looks like it belongs in our living room. I have never been a big fan of baskets until I had a child with a lot of toys. It sure is nice when I come out from putting her to bed, and Chris has thrown all the toys small enough to fit, in the "toy basket" and for a few hours each night, our living room isn't completely over run with toys, just the big ones! On the other hand, I wouldn't trade the toys sprinkled all over the living room for anything in the world! By the way, Devin knows exactly where to go to find all of her toys! And boy, does that girl love digging in the toy chest!

From September 09

From September 09

From September 09

From September 09

From September 09

From September 09

From September 09

Saturday, September 19, 2009

9 Months Old!

From September 09

I can't believe Devin is 9 months old already! What is she up to you ask?

Devin weighs about 18-19 pounds...I need to weigh her again!

She is still in a size 3 diaper.

Devin is still wearing her 6-9 month clothes b/c I don't want to buy anymore summer stuff, but not all of it fits anymore! We have bought a few things for when it is a little cooler but not cold in 12 month sizes and the rest I have gotten is 18 months. She will outgrow all of her stuff before the winter is over if I got it all in 12 months...hope it isn't HUGE on her!

Devin has 2 more teeth on the top making a grand total of 4 now!

Devin started calling me ma ma from time to time. She has been saying da da for a few months.

Devin is eating a lot more these days. She loves her cheerios and has had more and more table foods.

Devin has perfected her pincer grasp and is quite efficient at getting food into her mouth.

Devin laughs, squeals and kicks her legs with excitement all the time. She does this every morning when we get to school. She does it anytime something is exciting to her.

Devin is into EVERYTHING these days! Her favorite thing to do that she isn't supposed to is try race to the animal water bowl and see if she can splash in it before I catch her!

Devin can stand up on just about anything, whether there is anything to actually grab onto or not.

Devin is starting to balance on one leg and one knee with both hands holding toys.

I have caught her letting go of whatever is supporting her a few times this week.

Looks like we will be in trouble before long!

I can't believe my beautiful daughter is already almost a year old! The time has flown by!

Daddy Time

There is nothing more warming to my heart than to see how much these two adore each other. Devin absolutely loves her daddy and I know he feels the same about her. We have been so blessed to have two wonderful daughters!

I am going to frame one or two of these. It shows how happy she is, which is how she is the majority of the time!

From September 09

From September 09

From September 09

From September 09

Go Auburn!

If you know Chris, you know how much he loves his Auburn Tigers! This is a fun little game she likes to play...probably their version of Peek a boo!

From September 09

From September 09

From September 09

From September 09

From September 09

From September 09

From September 09

You can see her two top teeth that she recently got in this one.
From September 09

Dinner Time

Devin has gradually been eating more of a variety of things. We have given her cheerios, diced bananas, finely chopped chicken, green beans and I think we might give her a few pieces of rotini pasta with some peas and carrots tonight. She is doing really well with tolerating chunkier foods and has really perfected her pincer grasp and self feeding abilities. She loves her sippy cup too!

I give this a thumbs up momma!
From September 09

From September 09

From September 09

From September 09

Balancing Act

Devin is getting more and more confident everyday. I often find her balancing on one leg and one foot on the ground. I see her more and more often letting go of the table or whatever she is holding onto. Looks like we are in trouble!

Isn't she so pretty in pink?

From September 09

From September 09

From September 09

From September 09

From September 09

From September 09

From September 09

From September 09