Friday, August 28, 2009

Pulling Up

I like to joke that the only reason Devin learned how to crawl was so that she could get to things so she could pull up! That is her favorite thing to do these days is to pull herself up and and down on things and even cruise around some of them a little. She is quite deliberate at times. Right now she is mostly practicing around the coffee table, on the bottom shelf of the kitchen island and on anything she can at school!

From August 09

From August 09

From August 09

From August 09

From August 09

I love this face!
From August 09

Let me see what I can get my little hands on up here...
From August 09

From August 09

Working my muscles...
From August 09

Harley isn't so sure about all this
From August 09

Playing with the colors
From August 09

Momma's little helper
From August 09

From August 09

From August 09

And one more of my little helper...she was tired of grocery shopping and sad sissy wasn't there to play with her!
From August 09

Busy little bee!

I have been told by the teachers at Devin's school that the reason she doesn't nap much there is b/c she is always so busy playing. She really does love to play! Here are a few of her at home busy as a little bee!

From August 09

From August 09

From August 09

She loves closing that computer!
From August 09

Back to her book, another love of hers!
From August 09

Happy Girl
From August 09

From August 09

From August 09

From August 09

From August 09

From August 09

From August 09

From August 09

From August 09

End of the Summer

Here are a few more pics from when Chris' family came to visit!

Devin and Grammy Cherry
From August 09

Man it was bright out!
From August 09

From August 09

And a little swim with daddy! I love all the facial expressions she makes!
From August 09

From August 09

From August 09

From August 09

From August 09

From August 09

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

8 Months Already?!?!

From August 09

Devin is 8 months old! What has Devin been up to you ask?

Devin weighs approx 18 lbs.

She is still wearing a size 3 diaper.

She is wearing 6-9 month clothes which she is quickly outgrowing!

Devin has two teeth!

Devin usually only naps for a total of 1 to 1 1/2 hours a day at daycare but at home she usually takes 2 naps that are an hour or more long and one 30 minute cat nap in the late afternoon.

Devin still isn't sleeping through the entire night, but she normally only wakes up once to eat....I'll take that anyday!

Devin loves to eat pretty much most purees we serve her. She is even starting to eat her rice puffs without gagging.

Devin is now eating 3 "solid" meals a day. Usually oatmeal in the morning, a veggie or fruit at lunch and a meat/veggie/fruit at dinner.

Devin finally mastered crawling!

My joke is that she only mastered crawling b/c she needed to get to things to pull up on which is her newest favorite past time.

Devin has also figured out how to get into the sitting position on her own. This is how I find her in her crib 99% of the time when she is calling for me.

After she pulls up on something, she can also sit down. I love to watch her b/c she is very deliberate in lowering herself to make sure she doesn't fall.

When I get to daycare to pick her up these days, she starts making a B-line for me...sure does make me feel loved.

With the exception of early last week when Devin was totally off her schedule from being on vacation and having visitors, Devin has been an absolute joy to be around! She laughs and plays and smiles and just loves life! She especially loves being mobile and independent.

Last week we ordered her a big girl car seat. She isn't really comfortable in her carrier anymore and it is very heavy so we don't carry it in places anymore...might as well go ahead and change her to a more comfortable seat! Be watching for pictures soon! We should get it today.

I don't think I could love anything more than my sweet little ladybug!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Pulling up!

Look at what Devin did when I dropped her off at daycare today....I started her on the mat that is behind her where I always put her down. I went to put her bottles in the fridge and turned around to this!

From August 09

She sure does look proud of herself, doesn't she? :)

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Changing all the time!

Ever since Devin started swimming in the pool, we have had to start bathing her in the tub. She LOVES getting in the pool and splashes like a maniac. Now she does this in the tub too. It was getting all over the kitchen. I even tried it in the sink but still a no the tub it is! She likes it in there.

From August 09

From August 09

From August 09

From August 09

She has also tried peaches now too...she sucks on those about the same as she does watermelon!

From August 09

From August 09

Her latest thing she is trying to do all the time, on top of crawling, is pulling up!

From August 09

From August 09

From August 09

And a cute one with Daddy!

From August 09