Sunday, July 26, 2009

Sisterly Love

It was such a pretty day out today, hot, but pretty. Kortnee and I went and set up a blanket in the neighbors yard and I got some great pics of the girls! It is so hard to pick favorites! Kortnee is so beautiful in all of these and Devin is cute as always!

From July 09

From July 09

From July 09

From July 09

From July 09

From July 09

From July 09

From July 09

From July 09

From July 09

From July 09

From July 09

From July 09

From July 09

From July 09

From July 09

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Kortnee and her Daddy

Kortnee and her daddy were playing a game of Operation tonight. Look at how silly they are!

From July 09

And how sweet!
From July 09

Kortnee will be here for about two more weeks. We are going to miss her so SO much when she leaves. :(

Friends and a Dip

Kortnee asked her daddy and I a few weeks ago if she could have a little slumber party again this Summer. Of course we said yes and last night was the night! The girls came over around 6. We played with the baby and they played in her room. I made dinner which was hamburger meat, queso, chips, onions, sour cream and guacamole and hot sauce all in a buffet style setting so that we could each make our own nachos. They must have been good b/c each girl went back for seconds and thirds!

After that we all went for a swim!

From July 09

From July 09

From July 09

From July 09

After we got out, I put my wrap around Devin to keep her warm while I got her bath ready. Isn't she cute?
From July 09

From July 09

Baby Lead Weaning

So there is this concept referred to as baby led weaning. It is very intriguing to me, but we haven't implemented it. I have however started implementing aspects of it. With baby led weaning, you skip purees for the most part, and start your baby on the same first foods that you would with purees only they are in finger size foods and you let your baby feed themselves. I would love to do this 100% of the time, but there are a lot of things to work around. First, we did start with purees and Devin really likes the variety of things that she has been trying. I think it is great that she is getting to try a lot of fruits and veggies and we can also tell what she likes and dislikes when we are feeding her. She is still getting used to solids and gags a lot. I have read enough now to know that this is totally normal and actually very healthy. Chris on the other hand, he gets really excited when she picks something up and starts self feeding, but he freaks out when she gags on things. She isn't choking, just gagging, and she did this on purees in the beginning too, he has just forgotten.

So the past few weeks, he feeds her her purees each night which usually consist of a fruit and a veggie. Then I giver her a finger food size something to eat. She has gotten puffs, avocado, banana, zucchini and watermelon. By the time she is done eating she usually isn't even interested in the "solid" foods we give her to play with. Last weekend though, I gave her some watermelon to suck on. She really seemed to like it. So then I gave her some more at my mom's and again, she really liked it. So I brought a few pieces home with me and gave her some last night after her meal and she went for it!

Of course, after awhile she started biting bigger pieces off (with those two bottom teeth coming through :)) and gagging and as soon as I turned away, and Chris saw the opportunity to sneak by, he had it in the trash! :) Typical overprotective dad!

This was the first time though that she really got it. Today she really tried to eat her puffs as well as her banana that I gave her when usually she isn't very interested at all. She has gotten some small bites in her mouth and I see her slowly adjusting to the chunkier foods rather than the purees.

From July 09

From July 09

From July 09

From July 09

Chris got some really really cute pics of it but he is still learning to use our new camera and they were all out of focus. :( She looks like a pro though doesn't she?

One curious little girl!

My baby girl loves to play ALL.THE.TIME!! She has become really interested in everything. She will try to grab anything she can get her hands on, especially when carying her. At daycare when I sign her in and out she always tries to pull everything off the shelf. When we went out to dinner tonight, if I wasn't feeding her fast enough, she was grabbing for her food. She got her hand into Chris' plate to see what she could get ahold of too. She really has a thing for my laptop and always wants to help me type. That is one reason my blog doesn't get updated more often...b/c I am almost always playing with her when she is awake and frantically getting stuff done when she is napping. It's hard to type when you have someone else helping and climbing over whatever she can to get to the keys.

From July 09

From July 09

From July 09

From July 09

From July 09

From July 09

From July 09

From July 09

Devin, Daddy and I are going to miss Sissy SO MUCH when she leaves in 2 weeks. ;(
From July 09

From July 09

From July 09

From July 09

Practicing all the time!

Besides practicing being cute, which Devin does all the time ;), she has been practicing crawling all the time! She is always on her tummy these days. When we put her in a sitting position, it is only a matter of time before she moves onto her belly. She is becoming more and more mobile every single day. I am so proud of my little ladybug!

There have been many times in the past couple weeks that I go to get her out of her crib, and she is practicing there too. Sometimes she is in the corner, banging against the bars b/c they have gotten in her path!

This is her newest sleeping postion.
From July 09

A few from when I went to get her out of bed!

From July 09

From July 09

I love this is one of my new favorites!
From July 09

Look at the happy little thing
From July 09

Crawling videos

Devin started army crawling this week! She is so cute when she tries to get to things. Tonight when we got home from dinner, we put Devin on the floor for a few minutes to play and she actually crawled to me! I wasn't right next to her either. That is just as good, if not better than her saying ma-ma! She has been saying words though lately that sounds just like ma-ma as well as hi! Who knows how intentional they are but they sure do seem to come at opportune times!

We just can't help but giggle still everytime we see her crawl.

Lots of Laughing

That silly little Devin has been laughing a lot lately! We discovered that she loves it when we all say YAY!! in a high pitched voice, and it is even better when we are clapping! It makes us all giggle to see her giggle and doing new things. These show her getting really excited but it is hard to tell she is laughing....but I promise, she is!

One Happy Little Girl!

That is what we have on our hands most of the time, is one happy little girl!

Devin is about 7 1/2 months old and this past week she cut two teeth and started army crawling. She is busy busy busy all the time.

From July 09

From July 09

From July 09

See what I mean about busy?
From July 09

And a little jumping action

Monday, July 20, 2009

Some more from Francis!

So last week Francis sent me some more of the pics he snapped while we were in Austin in May. Check out his BLOG for more of his work! He takes some truly awesome wedding pictures!

Looking at these two months later just drives home how fast my precious baby girl is growing! It is funny b/c some of these faces he captured are some of my favorite expressions she has...but she rarely makes them anymore b/c she has an entire new set of expressions to share!

She started sprouting a tooth on Friday! And she is oh so close to crawling! She has become quite the distracted nurser and is usually done within 5 minutes these days. Then she pops on and off for a few more minutes. She looks at me between popping on and off and smiles such a cute little smile that just melts my heart.

I will post more pics this weekend but wanted to share these since they are already processed.

This is one of those expressions. Don't get me wrong, she LOVES to smile, but there is something sort of flirty, shy and old soul about this expression to me that I absolutely LOVE!
From Devin by Francis Joseph-5.5 months

This toothless smile is not for much longer.
From Devin by Francis Joseph-5.5 months

From Devin by Francis Joseph-5.5 months

I could just eat those fat little legs!
From Devin by Francis Joseph-5.5 months

From Devin by Francis Joseph-5.5 months

Oh, all the slobbobber!
From Devin by Francis Joseph-5.5 months