Saturday, June 27, 2009

A visit with Stella

One of our oldest family friend's daughter just had her first baby. She was in town while her husband was moving them cross country. I feel for her. I think a move with a 1 month old would have pushed me WAY over the edge! We had the pleasure of visiting with her and we even accompanied them to dinner, and later found out it was her first time to take Stella out to dinner, especially on a busy Friday night! As we know now, that is the best time to take them out. It is too loud to hear them if they cry and the noise usually lulls them to sleep, or all the action keeps them very occupied if they decide to wake up! She did great at dinner!

It's really fun to think about all of the future holidays together. We will go from having no kids, to having two little girls running around playing with each other much like we all played as children! I hope they have as much fun as we all did!

Here are a few pics I liked that I got of Stella before they told me enough with the flash already!

From Stella

From Stella

From Stella

Of course Devin was there playing on the floor.
From June 09


Sitting Up

Devin's most recent major milestone is sitting up. It's funny b/c it seems like over only the course of a week, I went from going into the daycare and none of the kids in her age range were sitting on their own. Now when I go in, they all are! She loves this new found freedom! Now that she is a pretty confident sitter, she is starting to really reach for things just outside of her arm's length.

From June 09

From June 09

From June 09

From June 09

On her knees...a little encouragement to crawl that was very short lived.
From June 09

From June 09

Devin and one of her favorite people...and of course there is a dog butt too if you look closely. Izzy always trys to stand in front of the camera.
From June 09

One day when I arrived at daycare. She was helping her teacher read and banging on the book like she always likes to do.
From June 09

Father's Day

This year for Father's Day (probably the same as last year) my parent's and brother came over to our house for dinner. They came a little earlier than usualy and my mom helped feed Devin her solids for dinner. She had a little cold so she wasn't as hungry as usual. We had a delicious meal and a delicious trifle dessert!

While we ate, Devin sat in her high chair and ate some sweet potatoe from her mesh feeder. She seemed to like it!

From June 09

From June 09

From June 09

Working at home....

What could be better than getting up in the morning and heading to this office?

From June 09

From June 09

From June 09

From June 09

From June 09

6 Month Checkup

Devin had her 6 month checkup this month! She is in the 97th percentile on height and the 55th percentile on weight. I will post those tomorrow when I can go into her room to get the numbers without taking a chance of waking her! ha!

She is right on track as far as milestones and seems to be doing really well.

Here are some of the things she is doing now:

She is in a size 3 diaper.
She is in 6-9 month clothes b/c she is so long!
She weighs 16 lbs 3.5 ozs
She is 26 3/4 inches long
She babbles all the time now with lots of words that sound a lot like dada (of course!)
She can sit on her own now and is pretty stable.
She is eating solids.
She has slept through the night (8 hours) 4 times in the past two weeks. (Hopefully we are on our way to this happening most every night soon.)
She is very independent and would rather play on her own on the floor than be held, unelss she is really tired.
Lately, when she is tired, we can lay her in her crib with her lovie and she will go to sleep on her own without being nursed to sleep.
Same thing at night.
She bangs anything and everything she can get her hands on.
If she is in my lap while I am eating, she opens her mouth anytime I am trying to take a bit of my food as if I am going to give her a bite.
She is mesmerized by her big sissy.
She is now riding in her big girl stroller rather than the car seat one when she isn't being worn.
She prefers to sleep on her side or tummy instead of her back these days now that she can roll into both of these positions easily.
She has a lovie that she sleeps and cuddles with anytime she is in her crib.

I am sure there are many more new things she is doing now that she wasn't before. It seems like everyday she does something new! Now Kortnee is here and she will get to be a part of some of the new everyday things that we are experiencing!

Here are a few pics of Devin the day she got her 6 month shots. She was sort of pathetic and really tired afterwards. I was working at home so I got her set up in a nice comfy position and she had a really nice little nap on the floor next to me while I worked on the floor.

Notice how she is holding the dogs ear...
From June 09

From June 09

From June 09

From June 09

Her first ride in her big girl stroller
From June 09

Mildred's 97th Birthday!

Momma Mildred turned 97 this month! A bunch of family decided to get together and head down to Waco for the day to help her celebrate. We really had a nice time and I know she loved it! From what I hear, she talked about it for the rest of the week!

I love the way my baby girl is! She isn't so sure about the way Mildred was holding her but she put a smile on her face for the picture! Mildred loves watching and playing with that baby and on more than one occasion told me to take a picture of her doing this or that with her. :) I am glad Devin is so obliging even though she is getting into a phase where momma and dada are the only people she REALLY wants to hold her!

From June 09

From June 09

From June 09

From June 09

This particular weekend, Devin had just started sitting up on her own. So she spent the time sitting on the floor like a big girl and playing with her block shapes.
From June 09

From June 09

From June 09

Devin's First Swim

A few weeks ago we took Devin for her first swim. The water was still a little on the cool side and she wasn't so sure about the floatie, but as long as we were holding her and kept moving in the water, she seemed to really enjoy it!

There will be lots more swimming in her future with many more pictures!

From June 09

From June 09

From June 09

From June 09

From June 09

Friday, June 12, 2009

Naked baby alert!!!

I couldn't resist. Devin was hot in her dress so I stripped her down to play in just her bloomers. They were so ruffly and cute, I just had to take some pics!

From June 09

From June 09

From June 09

From June 09

Izzy came to check on her baby
From June 09

Harley and Izzy

Poor Harley and Izzy. They used to be the main babies of our home and now they seem to have taken a back seat to the action. Don't fret though, they are still just as loved and spoiled as they have always been, in fact probably even more so. They just don't seem to be the MAIN focus of the camera anymore is all.

When it comes to Devin, Harley is a little on the jealous side. He has gotten much better over the 6 months that she has been here, but he is really loving it that she goes to bed in her crib b/w 8 and 9 now which means he has at least an hour of cuddling time with mommy without Devin there to interrupt.

Izzy on the other hand absolutely loves her baby! I remember when we first got her, being worried that she might not be good with kids. If you have ever been to our house, you know the drill, she will rush you with her nonstop and very loud barking. If you will just ignore her and have a seat on the couch, within a few minutes, she will be climbing all over you. Izzy is very adoring of Devin. She is already such a kisser and cuddler. If we would let her, she would lick every last inch of our bodies as well as Devin's. She usually gets quite a bit of kissing and loving in before we have to stop her. She is especially interested in her mouth now that she has started solids and always has remnants to share. Neither Chris nor I are crazy about this so we don't allow more than the few initial licks she can get in before she is caught!

Here are a few recent ones of the puppies!

My little man is getting so old
From June 09

From June 09

She has turned into such a sweet gal
From June 09

Facial Expressions

I have always been one to have very expressive facial expressions. It isn't at all unusual for me to befriend a stranger in the gorcery store soley based on the fact that I smiled to see if I could get them to smile.

That being said, it looks like Devin has a lot of her own expressions going on. Her tongue reminds me of the post of Bianca from last weekend. Maybe Devin will need her tongue out for deep thought as well. :)

From June 09

From June 09

From June 09

From June 09

From June 09

From June 09