Thursday, December 31, 2009

Reflecting on 2009

Wow, what a wild and crazy year 2009 has been for me and my family! Let's see, it started with a newborn which has probably contributed to a good majority of our excitement this year. There were LOTS of firsts (and seconds and thirds for that matter!) that we have encountered in 2009. Most of them were awesome, although some of them I hope to never experience again. One thing is for sure, I have SO many things to be thankful for. Even on days when I am feeling down, I try to remind myself of the many blessings I enjoy each day in my life and my faith which is stronger than ever.

The year started out with the loss of my beloved Aunt Bird. Talk about the circle of life, I just never knew how it would feel when death hit me so close after the birth of my daughter....I was fortunate enough to be with her when she left us. I didn't want it to happen, but it was obviously out of my control, and I am happy that I could be with my sweet Aunt Bird when I know that she needed me most. All of us in the room needed each other, and the experience has brought us all even closer together which I didn't think was possible. I am so thankful for my family and how close we all are. In the days after her passing, people kept commenting on the circle of life, and that is what has stuck with me through this year. I can't believe it happened to me. I brought life, and I lost life. It seems so unfair but it is what it is. I am just thankful that she, one of the very few people that I let visit me at the hospital, came to see Devin. The pride and excitement on her face will be with me for the rest of my life. She held her in the same way that people tell me my grandfather held me shortly before he passed. The image will forever be in my heart and my mind. She saw her one more time a few days before she got sick. I will never forget the day she found out I was pregnant. It was something she was so excited about and something she knew from the moment she saw me the first time after I knew. I will always remember her smile and especially her laugh and contagious cheerful spirit! I am thankful for all the many lessons my Aunt Bird taught me about life. As silly as I thought some of them were when I was young, she was so right about so many of them. I am sure I will continue to thank her for her lessons.

As hard as it was, we had to keep moving forward in 2009. Fortunately, most of the rest of it was filled with lots of exciting things with my sweet baby girl! It was easy to focus on how much joy she has brought to my life each and every day after such a humbling start to the year. Her first smile, her first illness, the first time she sat, her first words, her first time to pull up, her first steps, her first tantrums, her first birthday and so many more first that I can't even begin to name. Like I said, I have so much to be thankful for!

Kortnee came to visit in late June and I feel like we had one of the best Summer's ever. She loved her camp, and loved her sister even more. She made new friends this year and had a lot of fun with old friends from here. I am so thankful that even though we don't get to see Kortnee as much as we would like, when she is here, it is like she has always been here. Devin ADORES her big sissy, and I would think it is probably safe to say that Kortnee feels the same way about Devin. We enjoy having Kortnee here with us any chance we get. I just wish there were more "Summer breaks" so that we would get to see her for more longer periods throughout the year.

Over the Summer, we got to have a visit from both Chris' brother and his family as well as his mother and her husband. Oh what a fun time we had. It was during the week of his birthday which was a great excuse for a party, and a wonderful time filled with all of his family that lives here in town! We had gatherings with my family as well and also enjoyed those to the fullest!

We have welcomed a new niece, Olive, to our family, and I have also welcomed many of my dear friend's babies to this world in 2009.

The year has ended on a little bit of a harder note with my mother being sick. She is finally on the road to recovery and I am so very thankful for that as well!

All in all, 2009 was a great year, but I suspect 2010 can be even better!

Happy New Year to all!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas 2009

Today was a wonderful day filled with most of my favorite people! We changed it up this year. We normally spend Christmas day with our close family friends who we grew up taking vacations with. Due to some flight conflicts, we are having our "family" Christmas on Sunday with them. So today, my dad and brother came over and we had a grand time. Mommy wasn't feeling well so she stayed home and we missed her tons, but we all know that it was worth it so that she will be able to enjoy many more with us. We love you mommy!

Edward came in the morning shortly after we started opening presents and had coffee and cinammon rolls with us. A few hours later my dad came and we had a mexican feast! Tamales, beans, rice, queso, guacamole, salsa verde, you name it, we had it! We had a great day today and just enjoyed being together and having a very laid back day at home.

Later in the afternoon, we ran over to my cousin's house and saw some more family for about an hour. Once we got home, I made us some dinner, and everyone was pretty much ready for bed!

Devin was so much fun to watch opening presents this year. Last year she was just two weeks old and slept for most of the day. This year she was in on all the action! Even though I only bought her about 4 things, she had so many new toys and had such a blast playing with all of it. She squealed and talked, very loud, for most of the afternoon!

On to the pics!

We didn't put the full size tree up this year because we figured we would spend so much time trying to keep her away from it that we might end up taking it down. I was feeling a little depressed that we didn't have any decorations up and about 2 weeks ago, I came home from work and Chris had put the small one up for us. Isn't he the sweetest? It was a nice suprise and I am so glad we had a tree to enjoy this year even if it wasn't the big one! She didn't bat an eye at it the whole time it has been up until this morning of course!

From December 09

From December 09

Devin did need a little help opening her presents this year...
From December 09

From December 09

From December 09

The rare picture of mommy and Devin, and it is even a decent one!
From December 09

Beautiful Kortnee...
From December 09

Daddy and Kortnee showing off their matching loot...
From December 09

Edward with Devin..
From December 09

From December 09

This girl was tired and ready for a nap!
From December 09

Our first white Christmas in Texas in my entire life! It was mostly melted by this time but it was still very white outside this morning!
A little snowball throwing...
From December 09

Look at those beautiful girls!
From December 09

From December 09

An attempt at a pic of the three of us...we never even got to the one of all 4 of us b/c it was such a fail!
From December 09

My dad, brother, Devin and I..
From December 09

All that playing makes a girl hungry!
From December 09

Devin made out like a bandit!
From December 09

And a cute pic at my cousin's house of all the younger girls!
From December 09

Oh, and earlier this week, Devin and I went to a Santa party...Devin wasn't so sure about Santa but tolerated him long enough to get a pic! I was alone with her and didn't have my camera so the quality isn't that great since it is from my phone but it is better than nothing!

From December 09


As we all know, Devin knows how to play like no other, but I think Sissy helps her step it up a notch, don't you?

From December 09

From December 09

From December 09

From December 09

From December 09

I love this one!
From December 09

And this one too...
From December 09

From December 09

Look at how much fun they are having..
From December 09

From December 09


This is a pretty typical evening in our living room.

Sissy has arrived!
From December 09

Devin trying to get Harley to play...
From December 09

And has moved on to the newspaper..
From December 09

Lately each evening as it is getting closer to bedtime and Devin is getting more and more tired, we often put her on the couch, surround her by books, and let her read to herself and wind down a little. I always read to her and cuddle in her room right before bed but this is her time to read. She and her sissy were reading this night.

From December 09

From December 09

From December 09

From December 09

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


She is my sunshine on a cloudy day.

From December 09

As always, Devin is such a little helper.
From December 09

Always busy, busy, busy!
From December 09

More Bathtime Fun!

I had to get a few more pics in the tub with the good camera! Devin has such a great time lately everytime she gets in the tub. She splashes and plays hard!

From December 09

From December 09

From December 09

From December 09

Splashing like a fool!
From December 09

From December 09

From December 09

After the Party

After Devin's bday party, she was ready to play with all of her new toys.....not the same day of course, as evidenced by the sleeping pics on the day of the party, but by the next morning, she was ready to go!

OK momma, this is the first one I want to play with...
From December 09

I am bringing it in here for you to open for me
From December 09

Oh, Hi daddy, are you coming to play too?
From December 09

A little later. As you can see, she had opened more of them by this point.
From December 09

Man I love these two!
From December 09

Working on another one...
From December 09

She has her thinking tongue out now...
From December 09

Buttons, buttons, so many buttons to push...
From December 09

From December 09

From December 09

From December 09