Our "official" appointment for determining the sex is on July 31st at almost 20 weeks when it will be much more clear and the sonographer promised me much better pictures. In the pic above you can see she has her hand behind her head and her face is looking at us. I had another appt today and was hoping he would confirm again but we didn't get any pictures. He was just taking measurements. This one was from a different angle, if you catch my drift, and the baby was head down so I saw her head, spine, and a really good shot of her hand which she had up behind her head. That seems to be one of her favorite positions. It isn't suprising, Chris and I both like to sleep that way. Her heartbeat was in the 150's. It was in the 130's two weeks ago when we went.
Chris wanted a boy so bad he could hardly stand it. He was a little disapointed at first and he pouted about it for a few days, but then he was the one who always wanted to look in the baby books at all of the GIRL names. I asked him the other night and he said he is excited it is a girl now. It just took a little time for her to get him wrapped around her little finger. ;)
I have been feeling a lot of movement lately. You can't feel it from the outside but I feel it all the time inside. I felt it the first time in week 13 when Chris' brother was here which seems to be really early. Now it is a far more regular occurance. I have been feeling really good lately with the exception of a little weepiness from time to time and restless legs every now and then which make me want to crawl out of my skin. It is getting harder and harder to bend at the waste. I am definately showing! This is one of my favorite maternity shirts and Chris tells me how nice I look every time I wear it. Thank you Vicki!

We are talking about names and are pretty decided on the first name. We can't decide on the middle name though. I got the crib and am thinking I will work on getting the middle room cleaned out and put the crib together. Not much else is going on in baby world.
We are enjoying the last few weeks that we will have Kortnee here. The Summer has just flown by. She is having two of her friends over to spend the night tomorrow night. That should be fun! I am sure I will have some pics to share!