Thursday, June 19, 2008

Summer Nights

One of our favorite things to do on summer nights is take a dip in the pool. It is especially fun when friends join us. Last night Megan and Riley came over and the kids went for a swim. I don't know how they can stand to stay in for so long but they do. Usually after about 30 minutes...sometimes and hour if we are playing a game, and I am ready to get out. I was actually planning on getting in and trying out my new maternity suit which Kortnee helped me pick out and is actually really cute, but Cat and I got to talking and I never got around to changing. I did take the opportunity tonight to take some pics and got some cute ones! I can't believe how fast they are all growing is scary really!

Here are a few of my favorites:

I can't believe my eyes!

So I am in my office today minding my own business. I hear something loud that sort of sounded like someone had fallen down the stairs. I checked and didn't see anything so I went back to work. A little later my coworker comes in and asks me if I saw the tree next door. She wouldn't even tell me what happened, just said, you have to go look and be sure to walk all the way down the driveway to get the full effect.

OH MY GOSH! This is a huge tree! It looks like someone leaned on it and it just fell over. They have been working on the street and I actually came in from that direction this morning and didn't notice it nor did anyone else so I think it just happened. We had some storms this morning with some high winds but all of that had long passed by the time I heard the thud. My coworker left shortly before that and came back and that is when she noticed it so we think it just happened. I can't imagine what these people will think when they get home. There is a huge pipe in the roots too...hope all the plumbing is OK. I am amazed by how small the whole and roots really are for such a big tree. It is a good thing they aren't working on the street today b/c of the rain b/c someone could have been killed. It is a good thing too it fell how it did b/c it could have caused some really serious damage to that house as well as my boss' house that they just finished remodeling this week!

Isn't that just crazy?!?!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

12 Weeks Dr. Appt

Chris and I went for my 12 week appt today. Again, it was amazing! Today we got another sonogram. I just can't believe the huge difference from 8 to 12 weeks. The first one wasn't as close up but I don't think the baby's features had really developed anyway. Today we got a great pic of the profile. Our baby looks a lot less like a lima bean or an alien and a lot more like a real human baby.

We could see our little sprout moving around on the sono. I saw it's arms move a couple times. We did look between it's legs but it is a little early to tell what the sex will be. In the picture, which I have been looking at all day by the way, you can see it's spine, nose and some of the facial features if you look close enough. I am absolutley amazed by this technology! They said we are using 12/23 as my due date but I know when we conceived and I am sticking with 12/21! That could change later though anyway and I measure differently every time.

We got to hear the heartbeat which was in the 160's. It sounded like a helicoptor taking off. They said that all babys have a pretty fast heart beat at this stage and that she could see the wheels turning in my head about the old wives tale but that this wasn't a good one to base it off of. We are both hoping they will be able to tell the sex at our next visit on 7/3 instead of having to wait until 20 weeks. I will be almost 16 weeks by then so there is a chance if we are lucky and the baby cooperates.

It is really starting to settle in that this is real and not something we are dreaming about still. I got past the worrisome 12 week mark and everything checked out really well at the appt today and I am really starting to breath a sigh of relief. Kortnee seems to be more and more receptive of this change. She is a typical 12 year old so I am pleased with her response thus far. Just feeling her out still to make sure she doesn't have any worries or concerns about this life changing event. I know she will be excited to be a big sister and will be the best big sister ever!

I am also starting to get a baby bump. I have been buying a few maternity clothes here and there and looking for good deals on them. Dresses seem to be my favorite this year since skirts just aren't as comfy anymore.

Ped Egg

I got a Ped Egg today. I have been pretty embarassed about my feet since I started wearing sandals months ago. This thing is amazing! If you have been thinking about getting one or thinking you need to do something with your feet, give it a try! I have a tendency to get pretty rough heels and they are significantly smoother now. Just thought I would throw that out there for anyone thinking of getting one!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Swimming with BB...

BB came over a few weeks ago and again this week. Todd and Mara brought me all of Mara's maternity clothes to borrow. I am finally getting to the point that things really aren't fitting anymore so I went through them all this weekend. Mara is much smaller than me so a lot of them didn't fit, but about 1/3 of them will do me many months of good! Thanks Mara!

Anyway, while BB was here a few weeks ago, we dipped her feet and legs in the pool. She seemed to enjoy it.

Then they had to strip her down b/c she managed to get drenched and she ran around in her diaper with every ball she could find throwing them for the dogs. They LOVED it!

So Todd brought her over again for a real swim. She got a booboo on her eye from a mean little boy at the gym daycare. It was hard to tell what she thought of the huge bathub today.

Chris and I both love it when BB comes over and we get to play with her. She is so sweet and a lot of fun.